
Articles by admin

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Courageous six-year-old girl tries to stop axe-wielding robber

A six-year-old girl tried to stop an axe-wielding robber when six armed men broke into her familys electronic store in Auckland, New Zealand on 5 September. Sarah Patel was captured on CCTV footage trying to defend a staff member, and then going back to lead her grandfather out of the room. Sep 7, 2016

Soyuz ship touches down in Kazakhstan after parachute decent

The Russian Soyuz TMA-20M spacecraft has returned Expedition 48 Commander Jeff Williams, along with Soyuz Commander Alexey Ovchinin and Flight Engineer Oleg Skripochka of Roscosmos, to Earth on Wednesday. The spacecraft successfully undocked from the International Space Station at 21.51 GMT the previous day, before successfully landing on the steppes of Kazakhstan at 01.13 GMT. Sep 7, 2016

Chinas territorial disputes explained

China is embroiled in multiple territorial disputes with its neighbours both over land sea. The country contests ownership of islands in the South China Sea against Taiwan, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, and Vietnam. There is also a long-running fued between China and Japan over Senkaku/ Diaoyu Islands in the East China Sea. In the west of the country China and India fought a war over a swathe of disputed Himalayan border in 1962 and even in 2016 the spat continues to provoke fiery exchanges between Asia’s two biggest super-powers. Sep 7, 2016

Donald Trump: My greatest asset is my temperament

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump attack his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton on 6 September for spending too much time attack him and his temperament, rather than telling voters about he policies. Speaking at a rally in North Carolina, USA, Trump said it was his knowledge of how to win that made his temperament his greatest asset. Trump comes into the final two month leg of the US presidential race looking stronger as polls are showing him in a competitive position, with a Reuters-Ipso poll showing him leading by one point. Other polls show him gaining significant ground on Hillary Clinton after some earlier polls indicated that he was 10 points behind. Sep 7, 2016

Syrian government helicopters drop chlorine on Aleppo

A suspected chlorine gas attack on the opposition held Syrian city of Aleppo has caused a reported 80 cases of suffocation, rescue workers say. The Syrian Civil Defence group posted footage on their Facebook page allegedly showing the aftermath of government helicopters dropping barrel bombs filled with chlorine. The footage shows children and adults having to be doused in water and treated with oxygen masks. The Syrian government has denied previous accusations it used chemical weapons during the five-year-old civil war. Sep 7, 2016

Islamist hate preacher Anjem Choudary jailed

British hate preacher Anjem Choudary has been sentenced to five years and six months in solitary jail for supporting Islamic State. Choudary preached a hardline version of Islam for decades but avoided being arrested, that was until he published a YouTube video that supported IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadis claim to have established a Caliphate, or legitimate Islamic State, in June, 2014. Sep 7, 2016

Ukrainian TV station set on fire as it is believed to be pro-Russian

The Kiev studios of Ukrainian broadcaster Inter TV was set on fire as a small group of protesters outside burned tyres on 4 September. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko issued a statement on Monday both condemning the attack and ordering an investigation but also accusing “certain media funded by Russia” of trying to “destabilise the domestic political situation.” Inter TV is reportedly perceived by many Ukrainians as having a pro-Russian bias. Sep 6, 2016

CCTV shows murdered Paige Doherty entering shop where she was killed

John Leathem is facing life in prison after he pleaded guilty to the murder of 15-year-old schoolgirl Paige Doherty. Her body was found in a wooded area in the West Dunbartonshire town of Clydebank on 21 March 2016. She had been stabbed 61 times and had more than 140 injuries. Sep 6, 2016

CCTV shows murdered Paige Doherty entering shop where she was killed

John Leathem is facing life in prison after he pleaded guilty to the murder of 15-year-old schoolgirl Paige Doherty. Her body was found in a wooded area in the West Dunbartonshire town of Clydebank on 21 March 2016. She had been stabbed 61 times and had more than 140 injuries. Sep 6, 2016

Vladimir Putin: Russia ready to resume relations with Britain

Russian President Vladimir Putin told the G20 Summit in China that Russia was ready to resume good relations with Britain. He said Britain already has around 600 companies that operate in Russia despite any tensions and differences between the two countries. Sep 6, 2016

Barack Obama: We have had some productive conversations with Russia on Syria conflict

US President Barack Obama told reporters on 5 September about his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin and their attempts to come to an agreement over the hostilities in Syria and negotiate a cessation of violence. A senior US administration official said that Obama and Putin had a longer-than-expected meeting on how they could agree a deal. Sep 6, 2016

Barack Obama: We have had some productive conversations with Russia on Syria conflict

US President Barack Obama told reporters on 5 September about his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin and their attempts to come to an agreement over the hostilities in Syria and negotiate a cessation of violence. A senior US administration official said that Obama and Putin had a longer-than-expected meeting on how they could agree a deal. Sep 6, 2016