
Articles by admin

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Justice League stars support Dakota Access Pipeline protesters

The stars of the upcoming DC superhero movie Justice League offered their support for the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe as the battle to preserve water and land from the proposed Dakota Access Pipeline continues. Ben Affleck, Ray Fisher, Gal Gadot, Jason Momoa, and Ezra Miller all feature in the video urging people to get involved in the movement. The Dakota Access Pipeline is planned to reach from North Dakota to Illinois, and current plans see it placed less than a mile from the Standing Rock Reservation, raising fears of potential contamination of the tribes drinking water and resources. Sep 8, 2016

Theresa May: A running commentary on EU talks would not be right

UK Prime Minister Theresa May ruled out giving a running commentary on Brexit negotiations with the EU, she told MPs at Prime Minsters Questions on 7 September. The Prime Minster was assertive on the stance after Brexit Secretary David Davis suggested the UK staying in the single market was improbable. Downing Street was quick to state Davis had been making a personal view rather than a government statement. Sep 7, 2016

The Great Wall of Calais divides opinion

The news that the UK is set to build a 13ft, £2m concrete wall in Calais as caused a big reaction on Twitter. Security is being increased as official figures show one migrant is trying to illegally enter the country every six minutes. Immigration minister Robert Goodwill confirmed the move that has divided peoples opinions on both sides of the fence. Sep 7, 2016

The Great Wall of Calais divides opinion

The news that the UK is set to build a 13ft, £2m concrete wall in Calais as caused a big reaction on Twitter. Security is being increased as official figures show one migrant is trying to illegally enter the country every six minutes. Immigration minister Robert Goodwill confirmed the move that has divided peoples opinions on both sides of the fence. Sep 7, 2016

China planning $1.5bn theme park that will take visitors to space in weather balloons

A large Chinese entrepreneurial investor is keen to get the jump on Virgin Galactic and launch trips to the edge of space using weather balloons from China. KuangChi Science has announced plans to invest ¥10m (yuan - $1.5m, £1.12m) into developing a futuristic theme park in Hangzhou province called Future Valley, which comes with a series of rides aiming to let people experience what it would feel like to be an astronaut in space. Sep 7, 2016

Theresa May jibes at Jeremy Corbyn during first PMQs after summer recess

UK Prime Minister Theresa May attacked Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn at the first Prime Ministers Questions since the summer break over polling suggesting many didnt feel he would be a good leader. Corbyn chose not to tackle May with hard questions about the EU, Brexit or a leak about grammar schools, but stuck to housing. Sep 7, 2016

Hajj: Why Saudi Arabia is stepping up security for this years pilgrimage

Disaster struck in September 2015 as two groups of pilgrims collided at a crossroads of two a narrow streets killing at least 2,426 people. There are various factors that affected the stampede including: pilgrims rushing to complete the time-sensitive rituals, heat and exhaustion, masses of people pushing in opposite directions, and confusion of first-timers. This hasnt been the only incident; hundreds of other pilgrims have been killed during the same ceremony in years past but 2015’s disaster was the deadliest at Mina since 1990 when 1,426 people died. This year Saudi Arabia have to step up security after Iran called its organisers incompetent. Iran, Saudi Arabia’s regional rival, blamed the disaster on organisers’ incompetence straining international relations. Sep 7, 2016

Hajj: Why Saudi Arabia is stepping up security for this years pilgrimage

Disaster struck in September 2015 as two groups of pilgrims collided at a crossroads of two a narrow streets killing at least 2,426 people. There are various factors that affected the stampede including: pilgrims rushing to complete the time-sensitive rituals, heat and exhaustion, masses of people pushing in opposite directions, and confusion of first-timers. This hasnt been the only incident; hundreds of other pilgrims have been killed during the same ceremony in years past but 2015’s disaster was the deadliest at Mina since 1990 when 1,426 people died. This year Saudi Arabia have to step up security after Iran called its organisers incompetent. Iran, Saudi Arabia’s regional rival, blamed the disaster on organisers’ incompetence straining international relations. Sep 7, 2016

Astronomers make rare discovery that could help explain Milky Way formation

The Terzan 5 cluster could shed light on how the Milky Way was formed after an Italian-led team of astronomers found it contained two very different types of stars; some very young and some very old. The 7 billion year age gap between the two different types of stars suggests that star formation in Terzan 5 was not continuous but happened in two very distinct bursts. Sep 7, 2016

Woman sets fire to wrong car trying to burn ex-boyfriends

Police in Clearwater, Florida say they have arrested a 19-year-old woman and charged her with arson after she set fire to a car she believed to be her ex-boyfriends. Carmen Chamblee didnt realise that the car belonged to someone else and was arrested after police released the video tape. Sep 7, 2016