
Articles by admin

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Watch this jetpack pilot pull off an incredible stunt

Renowned jetpack pilot, Eric Scott, shot out of the water and navigated his jetpack above a lake in whats been described as the first water stunt of its kind. Scott performed the 21-second long feat at Lake San Cristobal. The veteran emerged from beneath the waters of the lake and flew up covering 510 feet in distance. He then landed safely on the ground, all while strapped to an 800-horsepower rocket. Although jet packs have existed for decades now, Scotts stunt highlights how the gadgets technology has evolved. Scott described it as The coolest thing I have ever experienced. The best way I can describe it is to imagine the dramatic change in environment - from water, to air, to land, all while strapped to an insanely powerful machine. It was awesome! Aug 25, 2016

Baby orangutan has surgery to remove bullet after mother was shot dead

Didik the baby orangutan has been in the care of the International Animal rescue after being rescued in Borneo. When he was rescued the little ape was suffering from severe malnutrition which meant he was much smaller than he was meant to be. Didik was traumatised by his mothers death and had was depressed, but after rehabilitation he has shown signs of improvement. Now with the bullet removed it is hoped that he can continue to gain strength and be slowly reintroduced to other orangutans. Aug 25, 2016

Baby orangutan has surgery to remove bullet after mother was shot dead

Didik the baby orangutan has been in the care of the International Animal rescue after being rescued in Borneo. When he was rescued the little ape was suffering from severe malnutrition which meant he was much smaller than he was meant to be. Didik was traumatised by his mothers death and had was depressed, but after rehabilitation he has shown signs of improvement. Now with the bullet removed it is hoped that he can continue to gain strength and be slowly reintroduced to other orangutans. Aug 25, 2016

Dominos trial drone pizza delviveries

Pizza chain Dominos is aiming to become the first company in the world to operate a commercial drone delivery service. They are aiming to start commercial deliveries later this year, beating companies like Google, Amazon and DHL. Aug 25, 2016

Myanmar earthquake kills three and damages nearly 100 ancient temples

A powerful earthquake shook central Myanmar and killed three people, including two children, as centuries-old Buddhist pagodas collapsed in the ancient city of Bagan. The 6.8 magnitude quake has damaged nearly100 pagodas that were built around the 12th century. THe earthquake was so strong that it was felt in neighbouring countries like Thailand. Aug 25, 2016

12 people killed as militants attack American University of Afghanistan in Kabul

The attack on 24 August started with a car bomb that was then followed by gunfire as militants stormed the walled American University shooting foreign students and teachers. A further two militants were killed after Afghan elite forces retook the university. It is the second time within a month the American University in Kabul has been the target of attacks. Aug 25, 2016

Two women arrested for blowing marijuana smoke in toddlers face

Two women have been arrested after a video was posted to Facebook showing the women blowing marijuana smoke in a toddlers face. One woman appears to be trying to blow the smoke in the childs mouth. Angry people on social media called the police on the women in Fort Hall. Aug 25, 2016

Amatrice earthquake: At least 250 killed after two powerful aftershocks hit central Italy

A devastating 6.2 magnitude earthquake hit central Italy on 24 August which has so far claimed the lives of 250 people. Hundreds of homes have been destroyed and a t least another 368 people were injured when the earthquake struck in the early hours of the morning. Rescuers are using heavy lifting equipment and their bare hands to search for survivors that could be buried underneath the debris. Aug 25, 2016

North Korea: Seven things you didnt know about the rogue state

North Korea is one of the most mysterious countries in the world, with very little information about their culture and society available in the West. IBTimes UK has rounded up seven of the most interesting facts you didnt know about the nation, including why so many teachers can play the accordion, what their biggest tourist attraction is, and how Kim Jong-Il kidnapped a South Korean film director. Aug 25, 2016

New Earth-like planet hailed as most important found outside our solar system

This artist’s impression video shows a view of the planet Proxima b orbiting the red dwarf star Proxima Centauri, the closest star to the Solar System. Proxima b is a little more massive than the Earth and orbits in the habitable zone around Proxima Centauri, where the temperature is suitable for liquid water to exist on its surface. Aug 24, 2016

Jeremy Corbyn gets frustrated over questions about traingate

Jeremy Corbyn lost his cool at press conference on 24 August, when questions kept being asked about the Virgin trains fiasco, rather than the topic of the meeting the NHS. Corbyn took on a Virgin East Coast train on 11 August where he filmed a video claiming the train from London to Newcastle was ram-packed. But the operator released showing CCTV yesterday supposedly showing the Labour leader ignoring empty seats and sitting down on the journey. Aug 24, 2016