
Articles by admin

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RSPCA alarmed as new badger culling trials set to go ahead

The RSPCA have said they are alarmed that the badger cull, to try and eradicate bovine TB, is to be restarted in early September after the last one was called off after it was found to be ineffective and inhumane. The RSPCA say that the government should focus on better cattle control measures and cattle husbandry instead of culling the local wildlife. Aug 23, 2016

Four companies confounding the Brexit doom-mongers

With all the post-vote pessimism hurting a whole range of companies in the domestically-sensitive Retail, Housebuilding and Leisure sectors, there is still value to be had even after the recent stock market rally back. Here are four companies that I think can rebound further should the UK economy hold up in the months ahead. Aug 23, 2016

Four companies confounding the Brexit doom-mongers

With all the post-vote pessimism hurting a whole range of companies in the domestically-sensitive Retail, Housebuilding and Leisure sectors, there is still value to be had even after the recent stock market rally back. Here are four companies that I think can rebound further should the UK economy hold up in the months ahead. Aug 23, 2016

Indonesia is a paradise for paedophiles during tourist season

Over 90% of rape cases go unreported in Indonesia, often because the families feel shamed. Activists are calling for more law enforcement to be put in placer when it comes to the sexual exploitation of children by tourists coming to the country. With only 15 safe houses across the nation to cater thousands of children who are at the risk of exploitation the government is also partnering with non-government organisations to address the issue. Poverty and lack of education are key factors which can lead the exploitation. Aug 23, 2016

Syrian girls song interrupted by barrel bomb in Aleppo

The video reportedly shows a Syrian girl from Aleppo singing to her mother about how she loves her parents and her family, right before a barrel bomb can be heard exploding. After which the girls mother drops the camera to rush for safety. It is understood that none of the family members sustained serious injuries. Aug 23, 2016

Syrian girls song interrupted by barrel bomb in Aleppo

The video reportedly shows a Syrian girl from Aleppo singing to her mother about how she loves her parents and her family, right before a barrel bomb can be heard exploding. After which the girls mother drops the camera to rush for safety. It is understood that none of the family members sustained serious injuries. Aug 23, 2016

Watch cute lion cub play with otter friend

A lion cub that is home to the Zoological Wildlife Foundation in Miami played up to the camera on 21 August. The lion cub first had to wriggle free of a blanket it tangled itself up in, before it chased around an otter he was trying to play with. Aug 22, 2016

Watch young humpback whale rescued from shark nets

A young humpback whale had to be rescued after it got entangled in a shark net off the Gold Coast, Australia on 20 August. It took an hour of coaxing and using specialised cutting equipment to free the distressed mammal. Shark nets are a source of controversy as many marine animals are needlessly caught in the net and often die as a result. Aug 22, 2016

Suspected al-Qaeda Mali rebel first to face war crime charges for damaging cultural heritage

Ahmad al-Faqi al-Mahd is accused of destroying historical monuments in the northern Mali city of Timbuktu. He stands trial, the first of its kind, at the International Criminal Court at The Hauge, Netherlands. Ansar al-Dine, Malis al-Qaeda affiliate, destroyed 14 of 16 historic mausoleums in Timbuktu in 2012. It is expected that al-Mahd will plead guilty to the charges. Aug 22, 2016