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Apple faces €13bn tax penalty for receiving illegal state aid in Ireland

The European Commission alleges that that the US tech giant Apple received illegal state aid from Ireland. It now faces the largest tax penalty ever to be paid in Europe, €13bn (£11.1bn). The commission have claimed that the Irish government provided a deal to Apple in return for job creation in Ireland, which was unfair as it allowed Apple to pay less tax than rival firms. Aug 30, 2016

Refugee crisis: Hundreds of migrants rescued from cramped wooden boat off the coast of Libya

Humanitarian group Proactiva Open Arms rescued about 500 mostly Eritrean migrants on 29 August. Over the day around 6,500 migrants and refugees were rescued by humanitarian organisations the EUs border agency Frontex were part of 40 rescue operations about 20km (12 miles) off the Libyan town of Sabratha. On Sunday (28 August) other boats were intercepted by the same humanitarian organisation full of migrants mainly from Somalia. About 1,100 migrants were rescued from boats in the Strait of Sicily on Sunday, Italys coastguard said. Aug 30, 2016

France: Two Muslim women thrown out of restaurant by manager for wearing hijabs

One of the women videoed a restaurateur verbally abusing them and calling them terrorists.The video has been uploaded to Facebook by Karima AbdelRahman Bint Mohammed who claims to have been sent the video by a friend who is not on Facebook. She said that she wanted to post it to support her friend, and so that the action would not go unnoticed. Aug 29, 2016

CSI Stone Age: Scientists discover how ancient human ancestor Lucy died

Bone by bone, UT Austin paleoanthropologist John Kappelman pieced together the life and death of Lucy, the most famous fossil of a human ancestor. She likely died after suffering injuries from an unimpeded free fall from a tall tree, suggesting the terrestrial species likely foraged or nested in trees.CategoryEducation Aug 29, 2016

Norway: More than 300 wild reindeer killed in lightning storm

According to the Norwegian Environment Agency, 323 wild reindeer, including 70 calves, were killed on the Hardangervidda mountain plateau during a violent storm. A ranger found the dead animals later in the day, all lying close to each other. Five injured animals had to be put down. Aug 29, 2016

Italian towns cook up pasta allAmatriciana in support of quake victims

Residents of the Umbrian town of Perugia gathered on Sunday 28 August evening in the main square to eat pasta allAmatriciana in support of the earthquake victims from neighbouring communities. Towns all over Italy have taken part in the event collecting money for the victims of the 6.2 magnitude earthquake which hit the regions of Lazio and Le Marche bordering Umbria on Wednesday 24 August. At least 290 people have died. Aug 29, 2016

Italian towns cook up pasta allAmatriciana in support of quake victims

Residents of the Umbrian town of Perugia gathered on Sunday 28 August evening in the main square to eat pasta allAmatriciana in support of the earthquake victims from neighbouring communities. Towns all over Italy have taken part in the event collecting money for the victims of the 6.2 magnitude earthquake which hit the regions of Lazio and Le Marche bordering Umbria on Wednesday 24 August. At least 290 people have died. Aug 29, 2016

Libyan forces advance into final IS-strongholds in Sirte

Libyan government forces close in on the last Islamic State militant holdouts in the coastal city of Sirte. The three-month-old campaign to reclaim the city has been backed by U.S. air strikes since the start of August. Aug 29, 2016

Australia: Once in a lifetime encounter with humpback whales

The crew and passengers of the Barefoot Charters catamaran boat experienced on 25 August what Captain Dean Cropp described as a “once in a lifetime” up-close encounter with three humpback whales near Byron Bay, off New South Wales, Australia. Aug 29, 2016

Syrias civil war: A timeline of the deadly conflict

Syrias civil war is extremely complex, starting with pro-democratic uprisings, the country descended into a full civil-war very fast. The was has led to 4.8 million fleeing the country and people becoming refugee and another 6.6 million that are now internally displaced. Aug 28, 2016

Syrias civil war: A timeline of the deadly conflict

Syrias civil war is extremely complex, starting with pro-democratic uprisings, the country descended into a full civil-war very fast. The was has led to 4.8 million fleeing the country and people becoming refugee and another 6.6 million that are now internally displaced. Aug 28, 2016

Explosions rock Syrian town of Jarablus bordering Turkey

Explosions ring out in Syrian border town of Jarablus as Turkey-backed rebel forces advance in Syria as part of an operation to wipe out Islamic State militants from the border. The Turkish-backed operation aims partly to prevent the Kurdish Peoples Protection Unit (YPG) militia and Democratic Union Party (PYD)- the political wing of YPG - further expanding their influence in northern Syria. The YPG is a critical component of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). Aug 27, 2016

Explosions rock Syrian town of Jarablus bordering Turkey

Explosions ring out in Syrian border town of Jarablus as Turkey-backed rebel forces advance in Syria as part of an operation to wipe out Islamic State militants from the border. The Turkish-backed operation aims partly to prevent the Kurdish Peoples Protection Unit (YPG) militia and Democratic Union Party (PYD)- the political wing of YPG - further expanding their influence in northern Syria. The YPG is a critical component of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). Aug 27, 2016

France: As burkini row rages Paris celebrates 70th anniversary of the bikini

It was French couturier, Louis Reard, who during a beauty contest in June 1946 presented a new swimming costume with much less material than previously seen on a womans body.But the smallest swimming costume ever made was first seen as vulgar and was largely ignored by the fashion world.Today, a Paris gallery celebrates the 70th anniversary of the bikini. Meanwhile, France is embroiled in a row over swimwear, with the top administrative court suspending on Friday 26 August a ban on full-body burkini swimsuits that has angered Muslims, feminists and civil liberties campaigners. Aug 27, 2016

France: As burkini row rages Paris celebrates 70th anniversary of the bikini

It was French couturier, Louis Reard, who during a beauty contest in June 1946 presented a new swimming costume with much less material than previously seen on a womans body.But the smallest swimming costume ever made was first seen as vulgar and was largely ignored by the fashion world.Today, a Paris gallery celebrates the 70th anniversary of the bikini. Meanwhile, France is embroiled in a row over swimwear, with the top administrative court suspending on Friday 26 August a ban on full-body burkini swimsuits that has angered Muslims, feminists and civil liberties campaigners. Aug 27, 2016

Australia: Teen completes record round world solo flight

An Australian teenager makes history by becoming the youngest person to complete a solo circumnavigation of the world in a single engine aircraft. Lachlan Smart, from Queensland, touched down at Maroochydore Airport on the Sunshine Coast, where he had first taken off from on July 24.At 18 years, 7 months and 21 days, Smart is a year younger than the previous record holder, American Matt Guthmiller. Aug 27, 2016

Zika virus: FDA recommendstesting for all blood donated in U.S.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommends that all blood donated in the United States and its territories be tested for Zika virus, as it moves to prevent transmission of the virus through the blood supply. The current Zika outbreak was first detected in Brazil last year and has since spread across the Americas. In Brazil, Zika has been linked to more than 1,800 cases of microcephaly, and U.S. officials expect as many as 270 cases in Puerto Rico, where local transmission of the virus is widespread. Testing of donated blood is underway in Florida, Puerto Rico, as well as in other areas of the United States, and has been proven helpful in finding infected donations. Aug 27, 2016

Zika virus: FDA recommendstesting for all blood donated in U.S.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommends that all blood donated in the United States and its territories be tested for Zika virus, as it moves to prevent transmission of the virus through the blood supply. The current Zika outbreak was first detected in Brazil last year and has since spread across the Americas. In Brazil, Zika has been linked to more than 1,800 cases of microcephaly, and U.S. officials expect as many as 270 cases in Puerto Rico, where local transmission of the virus is widespread. Testing of donated blood is underway in Florida, Puerto Rico, as well as in other areas of the United States, and has been proven helpful in finding infected donations. Aug 27, 2016

Philippines: Police chief tells narcotic users to kill drug lords

Philippine Police Chief Ronald Dela Rosa addresses more than a thousand drug users who surrendered to authorities and tells them to kill drug lords and burn down their houses. His comment drew criticisms from human rights advocates and he later apologised at a news conference on Friday 26 August, saying he was only drawn by his emotions after seeing the faces of the drug users.More than 1,900 people have been killed in Dutertes war on drugs since he came to power seven weeks ago, according to police figures. Aug 27, 2016

Philippines: Police chief tells narcotic users to kill drug lords

Philippine Police Chief Ronald Dela Rosa addresses more than a thousand drug users who surrendered to authorities and tells them to kill drug lords and burn down their houses. His comment drew criticisms from human rights advocates and he later apologised at a news conference on Friday 26 August, saying he was only drawn by his emotions after seeing the faces of the drug users.More than 1,900 people have been killed in Dutertes war on drugs since he came to power seven weeks ago, according to police figures. Aug 27, 2016