Tillerson and Trumps strained relationship

Tillerson and Trumps strained relationship

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and President Trump appear to have a strained relationship. A recent NBC report said Tillerson called the President a moron following a 20 July meeting at the Pentagon and that Tillerson was close to resigning this past summer. While Tillerson denied that he was ever considering resigning, there is evidence to suggest his relationship with Trump is a rocky one. Oct 5, 2017
Donald Trump warns North Korea of devastating consequences if US uses military option

Donald Trump warns North Korea of devastating consequences if US uses military option

In the latest addition to a series of threats made against North Korea, US President Donald Trump on Tuesday (26 September) said the rogue regime would face devastating consequences if Washington is forced to take military action against it. A military attack was not his preferred option, but the US was well prepared to carry out one, he warned.Speaking at a press conference in Washington along with Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, the American leader promised to fix the North Korea mess. Sep 27, 2017
UK footballers are conditioned not to speak out like Collin Kaepernick

UK footballers are conditioned not to speak out like Collin Kaepernick

US sports stars across the country took to one knee during the national anthem recently as a form of protest. The move has ignited a huge row in the US, with even President Donald Trump weighing in on the issue. However, despite this high profile demonstration, some do not think this trend will become international. Paul Mortimer, from anti-racism group Kick It Out, claims that British footballers are conditioned not to speak about national issues. He said, At the moment we have cultures and societies where fear seems to be the main thing, people are frightened to talk because there are no procedures in place that will protect them when they do talk. Sep 25, 2017
Stevie Wonder takes a knee for America

Stevie Wonder takes a knee for America

Musician Stevie Wonder said he was taking a knee for America during an appearance in New York on 23 September, in an apparent reference to a controversy involving US President Donald Trumps comments a day earlier about protests by NFL players. Sep 25, 2017