Donald Trump declassifies some but not all files on John F Kennedys assassination

Donald Trump declassifies some but not all files on John F Kennedys assassination

President Donald Trump on Thursday (26 October) ordered the unveiling of 2,800 documents related to the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy but yielded to pressure from the FBI and CIA to block the release of some information to be reviewed further over the next 180 days. Trump allowed the immediate release of the secret files by the National Archives on 26 October following a last-minute scramble to meet a deadline set by the Congress in 1992. Oct 27, 2017
Donald Trump declassifies some but not all files on John F Kennedys assassination

Donald Trump declassifies some but not all files on John F Kennedys assassination

President Donald Trump on Thursday (26 October) ordered the unveiling of 2,800 documents related to the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy but yielded to pressure from the FBI and CIA to block the release of some information to be reviewed further over the next 180 days. Trump allowed the immediate release of the secret files by the National Archives on 26 October following a last-minute scramble to meet a deadline set by the Congress in 1992. Oct 27, 2017
Republican Senator Jeff Flake blasts Donald Trump for his mercurial behaviour

Republican Senator Jeff Flake blasts Donald Trump for his mercurial behaviour

In a blistering speech, Senator Jeff Flake, a Republican from Arizona, lambasted President Donald Trump for his mercurial behaviour and for undermining American values. Flake, a frequent critic of the commander-in-chief, also announced that he will not seek re-election at the end of his term in early January 2019. Oct 25, 2017
Trump vs Bob Corker: Who said what?

Trump vs Bob Corker: Who said what?

Donald Trump and Bob Corkers ongoing feud escalated with the American president calling Corker incompetent, and the US senator naming the White House adult day care center. Oct 25, 2017
Trump vs Bob Corker: Who said what?

Trump vs Bob Corker: Who said what?

Donald Trump and Bob Corkers ongoing feud escalated with the American president calling Corker incompetent, and the US senator naming the White House adult day care center. Oct 25, 2017
Republican Senator Bob Corker: Trump has great difficultly with the truth

Republican Senator Bob Corker: Trump has great difficultly with the truth

Corker lashed out at Donald Trump on 24 October, after the U.S. President heavily criticised him on Twitter. Corker told CBS that Trump has proven himself unable to rise to the occasion and that he thinks the controversial president will be remembered for the debasement of our nation. Oct 24, 2017
Bigotry seems emboldened: George W Bush aims veiled criticism at Donald Trump

Bigotry seems emboldened: George W Bush aims veiled criticism at Donald Trump

The former US President made the comments while speaking at a George W. Bush Institute event on New York on 19 October. While never actually mentioning Trumps name, Bush rallied against bigotry and white supremacy, adding that modern politics seems more vulnerable to conspiracy theories and outright fabrication. Oct 20, 2017
Does Donald Trump really love the troops?

Does Donald Trump really love the troops?

US President Donald Trump has a strange relationship with the military. The Commander-in-Chief regularly praises the troops, and has positioned himself their champion. However, in the past he has caused controversy with comments about the armed forces, whether it be feuding with a Gold Star family, banning transgender people from the military, or claiming Senator John McCain was not a war hero because he was captured. Oct 19, 2017
Congresswoman Frederica Wilson calls out Trump twice on remarks to widow of fallen soldier

Congresswoman Frederica Wilson calls out Trump twice on remarks to widow of fallen soldier

The ongoing exchange between President Trump and Congresswoman Frederica Wilson is going viral. Rep. Wilson, D-Fla, said she overheard the call from Trump to the widow of Army Sgt. La David Johnson, who was killed during an attack in Niger. According to Wilson, Trump told Myesha Johnson: He knew what he signed up for, but when it happens, it hurts anyway. Oct 19, 2017
Donald Trump reignites so-called War on Christmas

Donald Trump reignites so-called War on Christmas

The U.S. President promised that Americans are going to be saying Merry Christmas again, during a speech to the conservative Heritage Foundation on Oct. 17, 68 days before the holiday. The so-called War on Christmas is a theory that liberals are attempting to remove Christianity from the U.S., partially by wishing each other Happy Holidays rather than Merry Christmas. Oct 18, 2017
Ivanka Trump said she had a punk phase and the internet loved it

Ivanka Trump said she had a punk phase and the internet loved it

Writing in her mothers new memoir Raising Trump, Ivanka claims she was really into Nirvana and even dyed her hair blue. Needless to say, social media users found this hilarious, and started tweeting jokes, photoshopped pictures and even Ivanka-themed punk song titles. Oct 18, 2017
Ivanka Trump said she had a punk phase and the internet loved it

Ivanka Trump said she had a punk phase and the internet loved it

Writing in her mothers new memoir Raising Trump, Ivanka claims she was really into Nirvana and even dyed her hair blue. Needless to say, social media users found this hilarious, and started tweeting jokes, photoshopped pictures and even Ivanka-themed punk song titles. Oct 18, 2017