Who is Bowe Bergdahl?

Who is Bowe Bergdahl?

Sgt Bergdahl walked off his military post in Afghanistan in 2009, in what he says was a protest to prove that his commanders were unfit for service. He was then captured by the Taliban, and kept in captivity and tortured for five years. He was released in exchange for five Guantanamo Bay detainees in May 2014. Oct 17, 2017
Can Donald Trump really revoke NBCs media licence?

Can Donald Trump really revoke NBCs media licence?

Continuing his long-running war with the media, US President Donald Trump tweeted on 11 October that some network news channels could have their licenses revoked for broadcasting fake news. But could this really happen? Oct 12, 2017
Donald Trump thinks his IQ is yuge

Donald Trump thinks his IQ is yuge

Never one to downplay his own achievements, US President Donald Trump has regularly boasted of his high intelligence since he started running for office back in 2015. Now, after he challenged Rex Tillerson to an IQ test, we take a look at some of the most outrageous claims Trump has made about how clever he really is. Oct 11, 2017
U.S. Vice President Mike Pence leaves NFL game after players kneel during national anthem

U.S. Vice President Mike Pence leaves NFL game after players kneel during national anthem

US Vice President Mike Pence walked out of a National Football League game on 8 October in his home state of Indiana after some players knelt during the national anthem, a form of demonstration that began last year as a symbolic protest about police violence against racial minorities. President Donald Trump has criticised players sharply for the protests and pressed the NFL to ban them. Oct 9, 2017
Trumps lewd grab them tape played on loop for 12 hours near White House

Trumps lewd grab them tape played on loop for 12 hours near White House

A scandalous videotape of Donald Trump was played repeatedly near the White House on Friday (6 October) by an advocacy group to protest the president attitude towards women. The demonstration came the day before the one year mark since the tape was released by the Washington Post. In the 2005 footage, Trump was seen bragging in lewd terms about kissing and trying to have sex with women. The tape was made public on 7 October, 2016 when Trump was the Republican presidential nominee. Oct 7, 2017
Trumps border wall prototype takes shape

Trumps border wall prototype takes shape

Workers on the US side of the Mexican border began construction of a prototype structure that could be used to fulfill President Donald Trumps promise of a physical barrier between both nations. Oct 5, 2017