How the alt-right and Republicans reacted differently to Donald Trumps comments about Charlottesville

How the alt-right and Republicans reacted differently to Donald Trumps comments about Charlottesville

On 15 August, US President Donald Trump once again blamed both sides for the deadly violence at the Unite the Right march in Charlottesville. One person was killed after the far-right marchers clashed with anti-fascists in the Virginia town. Despite the presence of white supremacist and neo-Nazi groups in the marches, President Trump has continued to condemn both sides, much to the delight of the so-called alt-right and other right wing supporters, and the dismay of many of his Republican colleagues. Aug 16, 2017
What about the alt-left? Trump asks as he blames both sides for violence in Charlottesville

What about the alt-left? Trump asks as he blames both sides for violence in Charlottesville

US President Donald Trump has maintained that both left- and right-wing groups were to blame for the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, which left one anti-racist protester dead and 19 others injured. At a press conference at Trump Tower in New York City on Tuesday (15 August), Trump repeatedly criticised alt-left groups that he claimed were violent in their interactions with the white supremacist and Nazi groups that rallied to protest the removal of a Robert E Lee statue from a park. Trump also insisted that he was not wrong in failing to condemn Nazi and white supremacist groups following the events in Charlottesville, while blaming left-wing supporters for charging at the alt-right. Aug 16, 2017
Barack Obama is planning on returning to politics this autumn

Barack Obama is planning on returning to politics this autumn

Barack Obama is returning to politics. The former president and his aides are planning on a return to the Democratic Party this fall. Obama will likely focus on fundraising and campaigning for other Democrats upon his return. However, many experts think Obama needs to be cautious with President Trump. Trump has frequently directed his fury against his predecessor on Twitter. Since leaving the White House in January, Obama has also spoken out against Trump and his policies on several occasions, including the travel ban in January, and the withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord in June. Aug 13, 2017
Jeremy Corbyn urges Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un to calm down amid rising tension

Jeremy Corbyn urges Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un to calm down amid rising tension

The Labour party leader has warned that the US and North Korea cannot play fast and loose with nuclear weapons, amid rising tensions between the nations. Corbyn was speaking on 11 August, just hours after US President Donald Trump tweeted that his countrys military were locked and loaded should North Korea act unwisely. Aug 11, 2017
Jeremy Corbyn urges Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un to calm down amid rising tension

Jeremy Corbyn urges Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un to calm down amid rising tension

The Labour party leader has warned that the US and North Korea cannot play fast and loose with nuclear weapons, amid rising tensions between the nations. Corbyn was speaking on 11 August, just hours after US President Donald Trump tweeted that his countrys military were locked and loaded should North Korea act unwisely. Aug 11, 2017
Robert Mueller details millions in financial disclosures

Robert Mueller details millions in financial disclosures

Robert Mueller, the former FBI director and current Justice Department Special Counsel, disclosed work and financial information done before he was appointed to lead the Russia probe. It included millions he and members of his team made as partners at the WilmerHale law firm. Aug 11, 2017
What would President Mike Pence be like?

What would President Mike Pence be like?

Amid President Trumps turbulent presidency, Vice President Mike Pences name has surfaced as a potential GOP replacement in 2020, assuming Trump doesn resign or get impeached. But what kind of agenda would a President Pence have? Aug 11, 2017
How Donald Trump learned to stop worrying and love the bomb

How Donald Trump learned to stop worrying and love the bomb

In 1999, Donald Trump told Meet The Press that the biggest problem this world has is nuclear proliferation, the spread of nuclear weapons. Fast forward 18 years and now-President Trump is boasting about how much he has improved Americas nuclear arsenal, and threatened North Korea with a fire and fury like the world has never seen. Here we take a look at Trumps seemingly ever changing rhetoric on the issue of nuclear weapons. Aug 10, 2017