Giant inflatable Trump chicken stares down the White House

Giant inflatable Trump chicken stares down the White House

An inflatable chicken popped up outside the grounds of the White House on 9 August. The chicken, named Don, sported a shock of golden hair, styled in a manner similar to U.S. President Donald Trumps. Taran Singh Brar, a resident of Orange County, California, said he was using the inflatable to bring awareness to how bad and destabilizing our leader is. Aug 10, 2017
Trump sent Robert Mueller messages of appreciation for Russia probe investigation

Trump sent Robert Mueller messages of appreciation for Russia probe investigation

Trump has expressed his appreciation to special counsel Robert Mueller for his role in handling the ongoing investigation into potential collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 presidential election. The message of cooperation from the presidents legal team follows weeks of swirling rumors that Trump was considering firing Mueller, having dubbed the Russia investigation a hoax. Aug 10, 2017
Everything you need to know about Guam

Everything you need to know about Guam

The western Pacific island has shot from being a relatively unknown U.S. territory to a major player in the heightening tensions between America and North Korea. The Pyongyang government has warned that it is carefully examining a plan to strike the island, after a ramping up in tension between the countries in recent weeks. Aug 9, 2017
Donald Trump: North Korea will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen

Donald Trump: North Korea will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen

U.S. President Donald Trump said on August 8 North Korea will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen if it threatened the United States again. The US presidents threat came hours after it was revealed that North Korea had successfully produced a miniaturised nuclear warhead that can fit its missiles, a key step to become a full-fledged nuclear power, according to U.S. Intel officials. Aug 9, 2017
Donald Trump warns North Korea will be met with fire and fury if threats continue

Donald Trump warns North Korea will be met with fire and fury if threats continue

President Donald Trump warned North Korea would be met with fire and fury if the country made more threats to the U.S.This comes hours after it was revealed that North Korea successfully produced a miniaturized nuclear warhead that can fit its missiles, a key step to become a full-fledged nuclear power, according to U.S. Intel officials. Aug 9, 2017
Donald Trump warns North Korea will be met with fire and fury if threats continue

Donald Trump warns North Korea will be met with fire and fury if threats continue

President Donald Trump warned North Korea would be met with fire and fury if the country made more threats to the U.S.This comes hours after it was revealed that North Korea successfully produced a miniaturized nuclear warhead that can fit its missiles, a key step to become a full-fledged nuclear power, according to U.S. Intel officials. Aug 9, 2017
North Korea issues new stamps celebrating ICBM launch

North Korea issues new stamps celebrating ICBM launch

North Korea has released a new set of stamps to commemorate the test launches of its latest intercontinental ballistic missle (ICBM), the Hwasong-14. The stamps depict the missile launch and the leader of North Korea, King Jong Un, celebrating. Aug 8, 2017
Trump complains about approval rating showing hes least popular president ever

Trump complains about approval rating showing hes least popular president ever

In the midst of a more than two-week vacation, President Trump posted a tweet:stating: The Trump base is far bigger and amp; stronger than ever before (despite some phony Fake News polling). The president has good reason to be upset at polling firms:Theyre nearly unanimous in assessing that Americans, by and large, think Trump is doing a bad job in the White House.The weighted average from data-centric website FiveThirtyEight pegged Trumps approval rating at just 37 percent on 7 August,.and his disapproval rating at 57.3 percent. No other president in the history of modern polling has had an approval rating so low on day 199 of their presidency. Aug 8, 2017
James Comey signs book deal months after Trump firedfFormer FBI director

James Comey signs book deal months after Trump firedfFormer FBI director

James Comey signed a new book deal. The former FBI director will publish a book about leadership and decision-making in Spring 2018. The deal with Macmillans Flatiron Books comes 3 months after Comey was fired by President Trump, which sparked questions about whether Trump has interfered the FBIs investigation into the Russia probe. The book has not been given a title yet, but will discuss what good, ethical leadership looks like and how it drives sound decisions. Aug 6, 2017
Who is Stephen Miller?

Who is Stephen Miller?

Stephen Miller is the Senior Advisor to President Trump...but where did he come from? Aug 4, 2017
Trump celebrates West Virginias Democratic governor switching parties

Trump celebrates West Virginias Democratic governor switching parties

President Trump and rally attendees received a big surprise when West Virginias Democratic governor Jim Justice announced he was switching parties. The keen move marks a watershed moment for the GOP, which will now control all levers of government in more than half the states. Justice, who took office as a Democrat just seven months ago,will be the nations 34th Republican governor.Trump defeated Clinton in West Virginia, winning nearly 70 percent of the vote. At the 3rd August rally, he predictably touted his electoral victory. He also denounced the ongoing Russia probe as a total fabrication, despite special counsel Robert Muellers enlisting of a grand jury to oversee the investigation.  Aug 4, 2017
Who gets priority if Trumps point based immigration plan gets approved?

Who gets priority if Trumps point based immigration plan gets approved?

President Trump supports a new plan to curb legal immigration based on a point system, similar to models used by Australia and Canada. 30 points, awarded by age, education, English ability, among other factors, are needed for potential immigrants to apply. The ideal candidate would be 26-31 years old, have an advanced degree, speak fluent English... and be relocating for a job paying triple the median income. Extra points would be awarded for extraordinary achievement, such as a Nobel Prize or Olympic medal... and to those investing upwards of $1.3 million in a new commercial enterprise. The bill, introduced by Republican Sens. David Perdue and Tom Cotton, which Trump endorsed in a speech, awaits approval by Congress. Aug 4, 2017