What has the Donald Trump administration actually done so far?

What has the Donald Trump administration actually done so far?

It has been a difficult few weeks for the Donald Trump administration. Congresss refusal to repeal and replace Obamacare has meant a major legislative priority has been left essentially dead in the water, while White House staffers like Antony Scaramucci and Reince Priebus continue to be dismissed under clouds of confusion and scandal. However, despite the seemingly endless stories of chaos coming out of the Oval Office, the Trump administration has actually managed to achieve a number of their goals over the past six months. With the lessening of illegal immigration, the withdrawal from the Paris Climate agreement, and shifts in some social issues regarding LGBTQ people, we look at what the Trump administration has actually done so far. Aug 3, 2017
Islamic State fighter threatens new Pharaoh Donald Trump

Islamic State fighter threatens new Pharaoh Donald Trump

An Islamic State fighter with a British accent issued a threat to US President Donald Trump in a new video by the militant groups propaganda bureau in Raqqa. The video released by The Islamic States Raqqah Province shows a number of IS fighters engaged in operations against US-backed forces in Raqqa. Aug 2, 2017
JK Rowling falsely accuses Donald Trump of not shaking hand of disabled child

JK Rowling falsely accuses Donald Trump of not shaking hand of disabled child

On July 24, President Trump made an impassioned speech at the White House, calling for Republican senators to repeal Obamacare while standing in front of a collection of children, whom he referred to as victims of the Affordable Care Act.In a video of the highlights of the speech, posted on YouTube on 25 July, Trump turned and shook the hands of each of the children and their parents, but appeared to ignore a young boy in a wheelchair and paid no attention to his outstretched arm.President Trump came in for criticism for the apparent snub, most notably from JK Rowling, who took aim at Trump in a series of tweets and said: How stunning, and how horrible, that Trump cannot bring himself to shake the hand of a small boy who only wanted to touch the President. Jul 31, 2017
Russia orders embassy to cut staff, seizes two properties in retaliation against US sanctions

Russia orders embassy to cut staff, seizes two properties in retaliation against US sanctions

Russia is demanding the US to reduce its diplomatic staff inside Russia, and says it would seize 2 U.S. diplomatic properties. The Russian Foreign Ministry announced the punishment, in response to the financial sanction bills against Russia awaiting President Trumps signature. The reduction in staff will apply on Sept. 1, and includes the U.S. Embassy in Moscow and consulates in St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and Vladivostok, The number limit is 455, in parity with the number of Russian diplomats in the U.S. Jul 29, 2017
Reince Priebus pushed out as the White House chief of staff, replaced by John Kelly

Reince Priebus pushed out as the White House chief of staff, replaced by John Kelly

Reince Priebus pushed out as the White House chief of staff. Priebus recently came under fire after he fiercely opposed the appointment of Anthony Scaramucci as communication director. Scaramucci fired back by calling Priebus a leaker and dared him to deny so. President Trump announced on Twitter that secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly will replace Priebus. Jul 29, 2017
Reince Priebus pushed out as the White House chief of staff, replaced by John Kelly

Reince Priebus pushed out as the White House chief of staff, replaced by John Kelly

Reince Priebus pushed out as the White House chief of staff. Priebus recently came under fire after he fiercely opposed the appointment of Anthony Scaramucci as communication director. Scaramucci fired back by calling Priebus a leaker and dared him to deny so. President Trump announced on Twitter that secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly will replace Priebus. Jul 29, 2017
Republican bill to repeal Obamacare fails in US senate

Republican bill to repeal Obamacare fails in US senate

In a stinging blow to President Donald Trump, US Senate Republicans failed on Friday (28 July) to dismantle Obamacare, falling short on a major campaign promise and perhaps ending a seven-year quest by their party to gut the healthcare law. Voting in the early hours, three Republican senators, John McCain, Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski, crossed party lines to join Democrats in a dramatic 49-to-51 vote to reject a skinny repeal bill that would have killed some parts of Obamacare. The setback leaves Trump without a major legislative win after more than six months in power, despite Republicans controlling the White House, Senate and House. It will also be a let-down for financial markets, which expected Trump to make rapid changes to healthcare, taxes and infrastructure spending. Jul 28, 2017
Anthony Scaramucci threatens to kill all the leakers in obscene rant

Anthony Scaramucci threatens to kill all the leakers in obscene rant

Anthony Scaramucci has found himself in hot water following a foul-mouthed interview with the New Yorker. The incoming White House communications director for Donald Trumps administration reportedly threatened to kill all the leakers and slammed his colleagues. Jul 28, 2017
US Senate votes for new sanctions on Russia, Iran and North Korea despite Trumps objection

US Senate votes for new sanctions on Russia, Iran and North Korea despite Trumps objection

Despite President Donald Trump and the White Houses objection, the US Senate on Thursday (27 July) passed a legislation to slap new sanctions on Russia, Iran and North Korea. The bill has been sent for the approval of Trump, who can exercise his right to veto. White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Trump will review the sanctions but did not reveal what action he is likely to take. If signed by Trump, the sanctions will anger Russia, which has already threatened to retaliate. Jul 28, 2017
Caitlyn Jennier and other celebrities react to Trumps transgender military ban

Caitlyn Jennier and other celebrities react to Trumps transgender military ban

Celebrities were outraged after President Trump announced a controversial ban on transgender people serving in the military in all facets. Trump announced the ban in a series of tweets, saying that the military cannot afford to accommodate them. Caitlyn Jenner, Laverne Cox, Ellen DeGeneres and other celebs spoke up about the ban on Twitter Jul 27, 2017
Trump calls reporter very rude after she shouts out question on transgender military ban

Trump calls reporter very rude after she shouts out question on transgender military ban

Donald Trump called a reporter very rude for asking him a question about his decision to ban transgender people from the US military. His remarks came during a gathering of American Legion Auxiliary youth at the White House on 26 July. The American president shocked the country when he made the surprise announcement in a series of Twitter posts. He said transgender individuals will not be allowed to serve in any capacity in the US military. The Republican revealed that he had reached the decision after discussing it with his generals. Jul 27, 2017