
What your taste in coffee reveals about your personality

New Delhi, Sep 21 (ANI): A new study has revealed that coffee can reveal certain aspects of your personality. Clinical psychologist Dr Ramani Durvasula analysed 1,000 coffee lovers and found that people having a penchant for black coffee are likely to purist, no-nonsense individuals, having a tendency to prefer the simple life, although they could also be abrupt, impatient and even averse to change. The study also revealed that latte drinkers tend to be intent on pleasing others, but can also show slightly more neurotic attributes. Sep 21, 2013

Drinking coffee may cut womb cancer risk

New Delhi, Sep 15 (ANI): A new study has suggested that the risk of developing womb cancer can be reduced by drinking coffee. According to the World Cancer Research Fund report, coffee contains antioxidants which may boost health. However, experts said that there is not yet enough evidence to recommend drinking coffee to protect against the disease. Researchers at Imperial College, London also said that women can reduce their risk of developing the disease with at least 38 minutes of daily exercise and keeping a healthy weight. Sep 15, 2013