Roona Begum

Roona Begum: Giant Head Baby Set for Another Skull-Reduction Surgery

Sandeep Vaishya, surgeon and director of neurosurgery at Fortis Memorial Research Institute (FMRI), announced on Saturday that his neurosurgery team is planning to conduct more surgeries on Roona's skull, which was originally triple the size of a normal baby's, as the toddler has responded well to the previous surgeries and has shown promising improvement. Nov 25, 2013

Thinking too much about food could make us eat more

New Delhi, Nov 22 (ANI): A new analysis of 50 studies has found that thinking before eating may actually undermine people's dieting goals. Jessie De Witt Huberts of Utrecht University says that we are expert rationalizers when it comes to finding a reason to eat more. He said that people seem to be very creative in coming up with such reasons, asserting that they can justify having the cake on account that it has been a hard day, or that they will exercise tomorrow, that it is a special occasion, or that it is impolite to refuse. Huberts said that this is when justification processes become a slippery slope - as the reasons are often applied ad hoc, they no longer form strict rules that regulate when you stick to your diet and when you can cut yourself some slack. Nov 22, 2013

Women with consistent bed time and wake time have low body fat

New Delhi, Nov 20 (ANI): A new study has found that women who go to sleep and woke up at same time every day had lower body fat. Brigham Young University exercise science professor Bruce Bailey studied more than 300 women from two major Western U.S. universities over the course of several weeks and found that those with the best sleeping habits had healthier weight. The study found that getting less than 6.5 or more than 8.5 hours of sleep per night is associated with higher body fat and that quality of sleep is important for body composition. Bailey related consistent sleep patterns to having good sleep hygiene. When sleep hygiene is altered, it can influence physical activity patterns, and affect some of the hormones related to food consumption contributing to excess body fat. Nov 20, 2013

Learn how to live with Diabetes

New Delhi, Nov 18 (ANI): According to estimates about 40 million people in India are diabetic. And if this trend continues by 2025 the numbers are expected to swell to 70 million which means every 5th diabetic in the world will be an Indian. And to educate people to live with diabetes, healthcare magazines like Diabetic Living are playing an important role and helping the patients deal with the disease. So here are few easy steps which if taken will help you prevent the disease. Nov 18, 2013

Drinking three cups of tea a day can cut stroke risk by 20pc

New Delhi, Nov 16 (ANI): A new study has revealed that just three cups of tea a day can slash the risk of a stroke by around 20 percent. The research at the University of California supports previous studies which suggested that Britain's favourite drink protects against the brain clots. Nov 16, 2013