
Nibbling on chocolates can help you lose weight and live longer

New Delhi, Oct 18 (ANI): Good news for chocoholics, people who eat chocolate are more likely to lose weight than those who don't, a new poll has revealed. The survey conducted by research agency YouGov has found that 86 percent of slimmers who continued enjoying their favourite treats successfully lost weight. It was found that of the 2100 men and women surveyed, those who lost the most weight- 91 percent of cases- had continued to eat the same amount of chocolate they normally ate before going on a weight-loss plan. Janet Aylott, a nutrition scientist with online calorie counting plan Nutracheck, who commissioned the YouGov survey, said that extensive research has proven that diets cantered around food elimination are much more likely to fail. Oct 18, 2013

Drinking tea cuts mortality risk by 30%

New Delhi, Oct 16 (ANI): Scientists suggest that drinking a regular cup of tea or coffee can help you live longer. Researchers have found that a diet packed with polyphenols - potent antioxidant compounds contained in the drinks - can lower the "risk of several chronic diseases and overall mortality.” Experts from Barcelona University studied 807 men and women aged 65 or over from central Italy for 12 years. The researchers recorded a 30 percent reduction in mortality among a group of participants who had a high intake of polyphenols. The compounds occur naturally in fruits, vegetables, nuts and cereals as well as tea and coffee. More than 8,000 different types have been identified in plants. They have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects. Oct 16, 2013
Breast Cancer

New Drug Cures Difficult-to-Treat Breast Cancer Cases

Researchers have developed a new drug to treat an aggressive form of breast cancer. Professor Robert Baxter and his team from the Kolling Institute of Medical Research in Sydney, Australia, announced that a combination of two drugs can help treat triple-negative breast cancer, better. Oct 15, 2013

Eating healthy breakfast helps increase fertility in women

New Delhi, Oct 2 (ANI): Eating more calories in the morning breakfast can have a positive impact on women with problems of infertility, a new study has revealed. Research, conducted by Prof. Oren Froy from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and Prof. Daniela Jocabovitz and Dr. Julio Weinstein from Tel Aviv University and Wolfson Medical Center, showed that a big breakfast increases fertility among woman who suffer from menstrual irregularities. The study examined whether meal times have an impact on the health of woman with menstrual irregularities due to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). The experiment was carried out at Wolfson Medical Center on 60 women over a 12-week period. The study is published in journal Clinical Science. Oct 2, 2013