
400 immigrants rescued in Strait of Sicily

Around 400 immigrants were rescued in the Strait of Sicily during the night of Monday to Tuesday, in three separate operations occuring one day after Rome decided to reinforce its military, humanitarian presence in the Mediterranean. Duration: 00:29 Oct 15, 2013

The - gradually - disappearing ruins of Detroit

The ruins of Detroit's proud industrial past have become something of a tourist attraction in the now bankrupt city. But development is revitalising some of the grandest ruins downtown, leaving ruin aficionados with mixed feelings. Duration: 02:37 Oct 15, 2013

Polish church helps find matches made in heaven

Churches in Warsaw are opening their doors to singles looking for love. Catholic Poland has a singles scene of about five million adults and some will settle for romance that is nothing less than divine. Duration: 01:54 Oct 15, 2013

M23 suspends talks with DRC government

DRC’s rebel group M23 condemned Tuesday the FARDC’s attack on their position in North Kivu, suspending direct talks with the government for 48 hours, and requested the withdrawal of its troops from the position. Duration: 01:03 Oct 15, 2013

Australia Antarctic mission focuses on penguin poo

Ancient penguin droppings and the impact of global warming on the Antarctic food chain will be the focus of Australia's latest scientific mission to the icy continent which departed on October 14, 2013. Duration: 00:59 Oct 15, 2013

Gao residents happy to celebrate Eid amid tight security

Exclusive coverage of celebrations in northern Mali marking the first day of Eid. Nine months after the liberation of their city from jihadists, the inhabitants of Gao celebrate the feast of Tabaski under heavy surveillance. Duration: 00:51 Oct 15, 2013

Thousands of sea turtles lay their eggs on Mexico beach

Hundreds of Olive Ridley sea turtles started to lay their eggs in the sand of Ixtapilla beach in Mexico. More than 1,000 turtles a day are expected to arrive in the area in the next few months. Duration: 00:27 Oct 15, 2013

Bomb targeting worshippers kills 12 in Iraq

The Muslim Eid al-Adha holiday began in Iraq Tuesday with a bomb ripping through a crowd of worshippers as they left a Sunni mosque, killing 12 people. Duration: 00:27 Oct 15, 2013