
Articles by admin

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Japan earthquake an aftershock of 2011 quake

Japan earthquake an aftershock of 2011 quake

No casualties have been reported but a tsunami warning was in place for Fukushima prefecture, Japan, after a 7.4 magnitude earthquake struck off the east coast. Tsunami advisory notes were in place for several other prefectures. The quake was said to be an aftershock of the 11 March 2011 9.0 magnitude quake, the strongest in Japan on record. The massive tsunami it triggered caused worlds worst nuclear crisis since Chernobyl a quarter of a century earlier. Nov 22, 2016
Claudio Ranieri its too early to think about Leicester being relegated

Claudio Ranieri its too early to think about Leicester being relegated

Leicester manager Claudio Ranieri admitted he is looking over his shoulder at the relegation zone following Leicester City’s defeat at Watford but also said it is “too early” to talk about the possibility of relegation. Leicester lost 2-1 to Watford at Vicarage Road on 19 November. Nov 21, 2016
Autumn Statement 2016: What to expect

Autumn Statement 2016: What to expect

Phillip Hammond will deliver his first Autumn Statement on 23 November. The Chancellor of the Exchequer will outline his plans for Britains post-Brexit economy, as he tries to secure a strong economic position for EU negotiations. Hammond will also have to overcome obstacles such as the deficit, a potential £100bn reduction in public finances and the housing crisis. Nov 21, 2016
Virtual reality system developed for first ever head transplant patient

Virtual reality system developed for first ever head transplant patient

This video shows a virtual reality developed to help Valery Spiridonov – a Russian man suffering from Werdnig-Hoffman disease – practice having a functional body before he undergoes the first ever head transplant operation. The 31-year-old is in a wheelchair due to the muscle-wasting disease. This VR system, created by Inventum Bioengineering Technologies, will help Spiridonov adjust to his new life before the operation takes place. This is to try to reduce the psychological impact of having his head attached to someone else’s body. Nov 21, 2016
Barack Obama advises a wait and see approach to President-elect Donald Trump

Barack Obama advises a wait and see approach to President-elect Donald Trump

Obama said the realities of the White House may force Trump to adjust how he approaches many issues. Obama also urged his fellow Democrats to fight for their beliefs, but be willing to work with his Republican successor whenever possible. Obama made the remarks at the close of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit in Peru, his last stop on his final foreign tour as the U.S. head of state. Nov 21, 2016
Sisters Uncut block bridges across the UK to protest cuts to domestic violence services

Sisters Uncut block bridges across the UK to protest cuts to domestic violence services

Sisters Uncut marched through London, Bristol, Newcastle and Glasgow, blocking bridges to protest against government cuts to domestic violence services.They warn a promised £20m of funding for generic services is not enough to protect women fleeing violent relationships.Specialist BAME domestic violence services are at high risk of being underfunded, affecting women of colour, migrant, disabled and LGBT survivors who remain more likely to be trapped in violence.During the march in London, protesters blocked Waterloo Bridge for 20 minutes as a symbol of the blocked bridge to safety many women will face if services are cut. Nov 20, 2016
Washington: Anti-fascist protesters march against alt-right conference

Washington: Anti-fascist protesters march against alt-right conference

Anti-fascist protesters demonstrated against a white nationalist conference at the International Trade Center in Washington D.C.The National Policy Institute, an alt-right group, was celebrating the election of President-elect Donald Trump.One alt-right member was injured and two protesters arrested when a fight broke out. The alt-right movement opposes multiculturalism and immigration and is accused of promoting racism and sexism.The Southern Poverty Law Centre classes the National Policy Institute as a white supremacist organisation. Nov 20, 2016
Washington: Anti-fascist protesters march against alt-right conference

Washington: Anti-fascist protesters march against alt-right conference

Anti-fascist protesters demonstrated against a white nationalist conference at the International Trade Center in Washington D.C.The National Policy Institute, an alt-right group, was celebrating the election of President-elect Donald Trump.One alt-right member was injured and two protesters arrested when a fight broke out. The alt-right movement opposes multiculturalism and immigration and is accused of promoting racism and sexism.The Southern Poverty Law Centre classes the National Policy Institute as a white supremacist organisation. Nov 20, 2016