
Articles by admin

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Trump says Afghanistan bombing was another successful event

Trump says Afghanistan bombing was another successful event

Following the drop of a GBU-43 bomb on an Isis target in Afghanistan, US President Donald Trump has praised the US military and called the mission a great success. At least 36 Isis militants were killed when the US forces dropped the biggest non-nuclear bomb ever used in a conflict on a tunnel complex. Apr 14, 2017
A modern history of chemical weapons

A modern history of chemical weapons

From the use of mustard and chlorine gas during World War One to the recent reports of sarin attacks in Syria, we take a look at the use of chemical weapons in war from 1899 to today. Apr 13, 2017
Malala Yousafzai receives honorary Canadian citizenship

Malala Yousafzai receives honorary Canadian citizenship

The 19-year-old Nobel Peace Prize recipient addressed the Canadian parliament on April 12, after being introduced by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. During her speech she touched on the attack on the Canadian parliament in 2014, and the countrys open refugee policy. Apr 13, 2017
Steve Bannon has accused Donald Trump Jr. in the upcoming political book Fire and Fury.

Donald Trump casts doubt on the future of his strategist Steve Bannon

Donald Trump made strange comments about his chief strategist, Steve Bannon. The comments seemed to signal a reduction in Bannons position and came after reports of shouting matches between Bannon and Trumps son-in-law Jared Kushner. Bannon reportedly called Kushner a cuck and a globalist. Apr 13, 2017
What is a VPN and how do they work?

What is a VPN and how do they work?

Tech acronyms abound these days, and they don and #39;t always have a clear definition. Hopefully this will help sort out what a VPN (virtual private network) is and why theyre useful. Apr 13, 2017
Liberias former warlords

Liberias former warlords

Liberia has seen long years of conflict and multiple vicious warlords have reigned terror. Some have faced punishment for the crimes and others have found God.  Apr 13, 2017