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April the giraffe gives birth as millions of people watch live-stream video

April the giraffe gives birth as millions of people watch live-stream video

April the giraffe has finally given birth after weeks of waiting. 1.2 million people witnessed the birth on a YouTube live stream. The male calf is said to be happy and healthy. Animal Adventure Park in New York began a live stream of April’s enclosure in February. During the prolonged wait for the birth, April became an internet sensation. Apr 16, 2017
Worlds oldest person dies aged 117

Worlds oldest person dies aged 117

The world’s oldest person has died. Emma Morano was 117 years old when she passed away on 15 April. She was the last person to be born in the 19th century.Morano put her long life down to eating two raw and a cooked egg every day. According to her doctor, she rarely ate fruits or vegetables.She lived through two World Wars and 90 Italian governments. Apr 16, 2017
Star Wars Battlefront 2 announcement trailer (PS4, Xbox One, PC)

Star Wars Battlefront 2 announcement trailer (PS4, Xbox One, PC)

Star Wars Battlefront 2 is the sequel to DICEs 2015 online shooter. This time around the action is spread across all three eras of Star Wars movies: the original, prequel and current sequel trilogies. There will also be a single player campaign for the first time, the most requested feature following the first game. Characters Rey and Kylo Ren from the current series of films can be seen, as well as Darth Maul from the prequels and Yoda from the original films. We also see locations including Endor, Hoth, Starkiller Base and what appears to be the Naboo Palace from Episode 1. The game is set for release later this year on PS4, Xbox One and PC. Apr 16, 2017
Star Wars Battlefront 2 announcement trailer (PS4, Xbox One, PC)

Star Wars Battlefront 2 announcement trailer (PS4, Xbox One, PC)

Star Wars Battlefront 2 is the sequel to DICEs 2015 online shooter. This time around the action is spread across all three eras of Star Wars movies: the original, prequel and current sequel trilogies. There will also be a single player campaign for the first time, the most requested feature following the first game. Characters Rey and Kylo Ren from the current series of films can be seen, as well as Darth Maul from the prequels and Yoda from the original films. We also see locations including Endor, Hoth, Starkiller Base and what appears to be the Naboo Palace from Episode 1. The game is set for release later this year on PS4, Xbox One and PC. Apr 16, 2017
Dozens of Syrian refugees killed in blasts while entering Aleppo in buses

Dozens of Syrian refugees killed in blasts while entering Aleppo in buses

Dozens of people have been killed in a bomb attack near Aleppo. Several cars and buses transporting refugees were destroyed. The blast took place during an evacuation of civilians out of besieged areas.This ‘Four Towns’ deal was brokered by Iran and Qatar. The exchange was meant to guarantee safe transport between government and rebel-held areas. The deal has since been halted, with many people stranded at checkpoints. Apr 15, 2017
Baby tigers learn to love water in first swim

Baby tigers learn to love water in first swim

These tiny big cats are having their first bath. Grown tigers love swimming but baby tigers need to be taught that water is fun. Chira, Batari and Izzy are three endangered Malayan tiger cubs. The siblings were born at Cincinnati Zoo in early February. They are raised by zoo staff after their mother’s maternal instincts failed to kick in. Apr 15, 2017
Adorable female giraffe calf born at Houston Zoo

Adorable female giraffe calf born at Houston Zoo

A baby giraffe was born at Houston Zoo on 10 April. The female calf has not been named yet. The adorable baby already weighs 149 pounds and is six feet, three inches tall. She is due to make her first public appearance in a few days. The calf is the sixth giraffe baby born at Houston Zoo. Apr 15, 2017
Irans Hassan Rouhani registers for second term in upcoming presidential elections

Irans Hassan Rouhani registers for second term in upcoming presidential elections

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani will run in upcoming elections for a second term. Rouhani contributed to the landmark nuclear deal with six countries, including the US, in 2015. Hardliners in Iran believe he made too many concessions to reach a deal.Rouhani’s main rival in the elections will be conservative cleric Ebrahim Raisi. Irans presidential elections will be held on 19 May. Apr 15, 2017
North Korea shows off new ICBM during founders day parade

North Korea shows off new ICBM during founders day parade

North Korea is celebrating the 105th birthday of the state’s founder, Kim Il-sung. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un attended a military parade in honour of his grandfather. New long-range and submarine-based missiles were part of the weapons displayed.The hermit state is on high alert after the US moved a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier to the region following North Korea’s latest long-range missile tests. North Korea warned the US it would retaliate any aggression in a ‘merciless manner’. Apr 15, 2017
Georgia policemen fired after witness video shows assault of a motorist

Georgia policemen fired after witness video shows assault of a motorist

Two police officers in Georgia were fired after beating a man they were arresting. Two videos surfaced showing Sgt. Michael Bongiovanni and Officer Robert McDonald hitting Demetrius Hollins while he was lying on the ground. One of the officers also stomped on Hollins’ head.They claim Hollins drove erratically, smelled of marijuana and resisted arrest. Hollins was released from hospital after receiving treatment for injuries to his face. Apr 15, 2017
Footage shows Nasas Apollo 13 mission: ‘Houston, we’ve had a problem’

Footage shows Nasas Apollo 13 mission: ‘Houston, we’ve had a problem’

Nasas third mission to the moon, Apollo 13 launched on 11 April 1970. Two days later, a fault in the electrical system caused an explosion which shut down both oxygen tanks. On their way back to earth, the crew used the Lunar Module as a lifeboat and despite the incident the mission was declared a successful failure. Apr 15, 2017
British woman stabbed and killed in Jerusalem on train

British woman stabbed and killed in Jerusalem on train

A British woman has been stabbed to death in a train in Jerusalem. The attacker is said to be a 57-year-old Palestinian with mental health problems. Local reports say the victim was a 23-year-old student. The attacker was arrested at the scene. Two other people suffered minor injuries. Apr 14, 2017
Video shows mother of all bombs strike in Afghanistan

Video shows mother of all bombs strike in Afghanistan

The US military has released a video showing the mother of all bombs strike in Afghanistan. The GBU-43 bomb used is the second largest non-nuclear bomb available to the US Forces.It is the first time the bomb is used in conflict by the military since its development in 2003. It was dropped on an Isis cave complex in Afghanistan, killing dozens of militants. Apr 14, 2017
Catholics re-enact crucifixion of Jesus Christ in Philippines

Catholics re-enact crucifixion of Jesus Christ in Philippines

Catholics in the Philippines re-enact the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The ceremony on Good Friday sees devotees nailed to wooden crosses. The nails used are soaked in alcohol before being hammered through participants hands and feet. The Catholic Church calls the event a ‘misinterpretation of faith’ but it has become a popular tourist attraction never the less. Apr 14, 2017
29 people die after gasoline tanker explodes on colliding with bus in Mexico

29 people die after gasoline tanker explodes on colliding with bus in Mexico

29 people died when a fuel tanker collided with a bus in Mexico. The vehicles collided head-on after the tanker swerved into the opposite lane. The tanker exploded, severely burning many of the victims. 38 people in total were on the bus, travelling to the coast for a vacation. The cause of the accident is not yet known. Apr 14, 2017
Trump says Afghanistan bombing was another successful event

Trump says Afghanistan bombing was another successful event

Following the drop of a GBU-43 bomb on an Isis target in Afghanistan, US President Donald Trump has praised the US military and called the mission a great success. At least 36 Isis militants were killed when the US forces dropped the biggest non-nuclear bomb ever used in a conflict on a tunnel complex. Apr 14, 2017