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Caitlyn Jenner emplores Trump to read her new book, then give it to Jeff Sessions

Caitlyn Jenner emplores Trump to read her new book, then give it to Jeff Sessions

Caitlyn Jenner sent a message to U.S. President Donald Trump outside the White House on Thursday: read my book. You might learn something, she added. Jenner was speaking of her memoir, The Secrets of My Life. She asked Trump to give the book to U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions after finishing it.The 66-year-old Olympic gold medalist turned television personality has become a spokesperson for equal rights since she came out as transgender in 2015.This isnt the first time Jenner has posted a call to Trump on social media. In April of 2016, she posted a video of herself using a womens bathroom at Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trumps New York hotel. Apr 28, 2017
Amnesty UK vows to confront politicians over toxic language during election campaign

Amnesty UK vows to confront politicians over toxic language during election campaign

Politicians will be confronted if they use toxic language during the general election campaign, Amnesty International UK warned on Friday 28 April. Kate Allen, director of the human rights group, told IBTimes UK that her organisation will call out such behaviour.What politicians say influences public opinion and influences behaviour and there we want them to be careful, she said. Apr 28, 2017
Gift Ngoepe: The first African player in Major League Baseball

Gift Ngoepe: The first African player in Major League Baseball

Gift Ngoepe is the first African-born player in Major League Baseball. The 27-year-old second baseman is originally from Pietersburg, South Africa. Ngoepe spent 8 1/2 years in the minors before being called up by the Pittsburgh Pirates. In his first at-bat, Ngoepe hits a single grounder to center field. While on base, Ngoepe said that he had to fight back the tears. In Ngoepes debut, the Pirates beat the Chicago Cubs 6-5. I and #39;m from Africa, Ngoepe said after the game. Baseball is not a popular sport, but if you work hard enough and dream a little bit, anything is possible. Apr 28, 2017
Macedonian MPs attacked as 200 protesters storm parliament

Macedonian MPs attacked as 200 protesters storm parliament

The ethnic tensions have been sparked after the breakdown of coalition talks to form a new government. A sticking point is the demand by the Albanian minority, comprising one quarter of the population, that their tongue be recognised as the official second language. Apr 28, 2017
What has Trump done in his first 100 days as president?

What has Trump done in his first 100 days as president?

After taking office on 20 January Donald Trump has kept himself busy in his first one hundred days.From instituting travel bans to launching missiles against Syria. Here is a round-up of what the 45th President of the United States has done so far. Apr 27, 2017
Police inspect bag of knives from Whitehall suspect

Police inspect bag of knives from Whitehall suspect

A man was arrested and Parliament Street was closed at Westminster in the afternoon of 27 April.Vincent McAviney, a journalist with Leading Britains Conversation talk radio, shared a series of images and videos showing the arrest, as well as police transporting him away from the scene.Later footage shows police officers inspecting knives at the scene. Apr 27, 2017
Video shows Damascus airport explosion blamed on Israeli air raid

Video shows Damascus airport explosion blamed on Israeli air raid

A massive blast was reported at Damascus airport in the Syrian capital in the early hours of the morning on 27 April. Local reports suggest that the blast could be a result of an Israeli air strike, although the claim could not be independently verified. Apr 27, 2017
Boris Johnson defends calling Jeremy Corbyn a mugwump

Boris Johnson defends calling Jeremy Corbyn a mugwump

Boris Johnson MP has defended his attack on Jeremy Corbyn MP, after referring to him as a mutton-headed mugwump. The Foreign Secretary accused the Labour leader of being wedded to old fashioned policies on nuclear disarmament and NATO, and said voters need to know he poses a very real threat to the UK in a world that is uncertain and unstable. Apr 27, 2017
Emmanuel Macron booed by crowd and upstaged by Marine Le Pen over Whirlpool factory closure

Emmanuel Macron booed by crowd and upstaged by Marine Le Pen over Whirlpool factory closure

French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron was booed by employees at a factory slated for closure on 26 April, after being upstaged by political opponent Marine Le Pen. Macrons diary had included a meeting in the chamber of commerce with union representatives from the Whirlpool plant, but Le Pen pulled off a surprise campaign stunt by meeting the picketing workers at the same time. When Macron later went to the factory, he was greeted by boos and chants of President Marine by some in the crowd. Apr 27, 2017
Caltrans workers run to avoid dramatic landslide

Caltrans workers run to avoid dramatic landslide

Wendy Kornberg was waiting in traffic and started filming as Caltrans workers ran to avoid a dramatic landslide on 25 April. The hillside gave way above U.S. Highway 101 north of Laytonville, near Leggett, California. Apr 27, 2017
Wheelchair user shares video of harassment: ‘If you was in my shoes you’d be laughing now’

Wheelchair user shares video of harassment: ‘If you was in my shoes you’d be laughing now’

Wheelchair user Becca shared a video on Twitter which showed a man harassing her on the street after claiming he could heal her. The man apparently approached her in the car park of a leisure centre in Gloucester on 25 April and asked her what was wrong before claiming he could heal her. The pair then engaged in a heated argument, which ended with the man telling Becca “you can swear all you want to, that’s just the devil. Apr 27, 2017
Missing hiker found alive after 47 days lost in Himalayas

Missing hiker found alive after 47 days lost in Himalayas

A 21-year-old hiker from Taiwan has been found alive after being missing in the Himalayas for 47 days. Liang Sheng Yueh was hiking in heavy snow with his 19-year-old girlfriend Liu Chen Chun when they slipped over a waterfall and got stuck on a ridge.Liu died three days before rescuers hired by their families found the pair. Yueh stayed beside her body. Apr 27, 2017
ESPN layoffs see 100 employees face cuts

ESPN layoffs see 100 employees face cuts

ESPN network leadership began notifying about 100 of its employees that they were being laid off on Thursday. The Internet reacted swiftly and critically. Apr 27, 2017
Human brain circuits grown in a dish for the first time

Human brain circuits grown in a dish for the first time

Scientists have for the first time created neural networks of the developing brain in a dish. This may shed a light on how a number of neurodevelopmental diseases such as autism, arise. This is a 3D reconstruction (by iDISCO) of assembled forebrain spheroids derived from human stem cells. Apr 27, 2017
Human brain circuits grown in a dish for the first time

Human brain circuits grown in a dish for the first time

Scientists have for the first time created neural networks of the developing brain in a dish. This may shed a light on how a number of neurodevelopmental diseases such as autism, arise. This is a 3D reconstruction (by iDISCO) of assembled forebrain spheroids derived from human stem cells. Apr 27, 2017