

Modak Ingredients For Dough Rice flour - 1 cup A pinch of Salt Hot Water - 1 cup Ghee For Filling A little Water Jaggery - 1 cup Grated fresh Coconut - 1 cup A few Cardamom pods Method: 1. To make the dough, add salt to rice flour and knead a dough with hot water. 2. For the filling: take a little water in a pot, and add jaggery to it and let it melt. After it melts, strain the jaggery syrup to remove impurities. 3. Add the coconut to the strained jaggery syrup. Pound some fresh cardamom and add it. 4. Cook it till all the moisture evaporates and it reaches a thick consistency. Let is cool. 5. Take a little dough and make a round ball by rolling it. Grease your palm, either with ghee or oil. Flatten the dough, place some filling in the center and close it from all sides sealing it. It should look like a dumpling. 6. Make a bunch of these, place it in the steamer and steam the modak for about 10-15 minutes. Remove from steamer and serve. Like us on FACEBOOK - Follow us on TWITTER - Subscribe to YouTube - A Ventuno Production : Aug 28, 2014

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