
Articles by admin

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Fiery Cameron urges Corbyn to withdraw friends remark on Hamas and Hezbollah

A fired-up David Cameron has repeatedly attacked Jeremy Corbyn over the issues of terrorism and anti-Semitism during prime ministers questions (PMQs), on the eve of the 5 May elections across the UK. Cameron urged the Labour leader to withdrawn his friends remark regarding Hamas and Hezbollah, a phrase Corbyn used ahead of hosting representatives of the terror groups in parliament. May 4, 2016

The Herbal Chef: California cook brings cannabis to fine dining

As California prepares for the possible legalisation of recreational marijuana in November, Los Angeles-based chef Chris Sayegh is on a pioneering mission to take haute cuisine to a higher place with his cannabis infused menus. Sayegh who, at only 23, has cut his teeth in the kitchens of top restaurants in New York and California, explains that infusing cannabis into his recipes creates a whole new experience for diners. May 4, 2016

Peru: Video shows police shooting down suspected drug trafficking plane

Peruvian drug enforcement agents from the countrys DIRANDRO downed a small plane suspected of trafficking drugs on 3 May. The dramatic video, filmed by a police officer, shows the moment authorities shot down the Bolivian plane, license CP1818, and it crashed to the ground. May 4, 2016

Driver fined for cramming 10 sheep in truck cabin

Traffic police stopped a pickup for checking on an express highway in north Chinas Shanxi Province only to find ten heads of sheep running out of the drivers cabin. It turned out that the pickup was loaded so full with sheep that two adult sheep and eight lambs were crammed into the drivers cabin. May 3, 2016

Barack Obama joins John Boehner in hilarious retirement spoof video

At the annual White House Correspondents Dinner in Washington, US President Barack Obama on 30 April, poked fun at himself during a spoof about his retirement. At the beginning of a pre-produced video, Obama joined US Vice President Joe Biden to discuss what he should do when he leaves the White House. May 3, 2016