
Articles by admin

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Celebrities react as Trump elected US president

Celebrities react as Trump elected US president

Donald Trump has surpassed all expectations and won the title of the 45th US president on 9 November. But as many celebrities endorsed Hillary Clinton throughout her campaign, the reactions on Twitter have not been positive. Nov 9, 2016
Donald Trump pledges to be a president for every American in victory speech

Donald Trump pledges to be a president for every American in victory speech

In his victory speech, president-elect Donald Trump said the nation owes a debt to Hillary Clinton and praised her campaign. Trump said he will help veterans, create jobs and rebuild the nations infrastructure. The Republican president-election said its time to bind the wounds of division.  Nov 9, 2016
Snakes on a Plane: Massive serpent falls from overhead compartment mid-flight

Snakes on a Plane: Massive serpent falls from overhead compartment mid-flight

The clip, filmed by a passenger, shows the green snake fall from the upper compartment of the plane, during an Aeromexico flight from Torreón to Mexico City on 6 November. The plane was forced to make a priority landing so animal control could take the serpent away. Aeromexico is currently investigating the incident. Nov 8, 2016
Giant sinkhole swallows part of Japanese city

Giant sinkhole swallows part of Japanese city

The massive hole in Fukuoka City engulfed a four-lane intersection on 8 November. It is thought to have been caused by construction on the city subway. Authorities have since evacuated the local area, after fears the still-expanding sinkhole could cause a gas leak. Nov 8, 2016
British banker Rurik Jutting given life sentence for grisly murders of two Indonesian women

British banker Rurik Jutting given life sentence for grisly murders of two Indonesian women

Rurik Juttings defence argued that his cocaine and alcohol disorders, as well as personality disorders of sexual sadism and narcissism, had impaired his ability to control his behaviour.The prosecution rejected this, stating Jutting was able to form judgements and exercise self-control before and after the killings, filming his torture of Sumarti Ningsih on his iPhone as well as hours of footage in which he discussed the murders.The case gripped world media due to graphic video footage seen by the jury and the brutality of the killings. Nov 8, 2016
Racist Trump supporter tells driver black lives don’t matter

Racist Trump supporter tells driver black lives don’t matter

A Trump supporter told a driver why he thought “black lives don’t matter” following an alleged altercation over driving, which the uploader claims was because: I didnt allow him to speed up and stop me from changing lanes in trafficThe man repeatedly used the n-word and showed signs of sexism too when he told a woman in his own car: “Let me handle this, be a woman. The uploader of this footage claimed it had been removed from Facebook, and that he reposted it. Nov 8, 2016
New Delhi grapples with worst smog in 17 years

New Delhi grapples with worst smog in 17 years

New Delhi is dealing with serious levels of smog this winter, especially since Diwali celebrations on 30 October. The official data shows that the haze that has covered the Indian capital in the past one week is the worst in nearly 20 years. It has forced the city government to go for several desperate measures, including shutting down schools for three days. It is also considering bringing back the odd-even car rationing scheme in an attempt to bring down the pollution levels. Nov 8, 2016
Old bonobos get long-sighted, and their social lives suffer for it

Old bonobos get long-sighted, and their social lives suffer for it

Older male bonobos who struggle to see are less popular partners for grooming. This long-sightedness is particularly evident when the bonobos are grooming their mates, say biologists studying the primates in Wamba in the Democratic Republic of Congo. They have noticed the chimpanzees struggling to focus during grooming. Older bonobos tend to lean back and try to groom at arm’s length, the researchers say, showing behaviour that is reminiscent of older people struggling to read small print. Nov 7, 2016