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Iraqi army continues battle against Isis, nears Mosuls Old City

Iraqi army continues battle against Isis, nears Mosuls Old City

Iraqi forces continue their fight against Isis on the edge of the Old City in Mosul. The neighbourhood around the al-Nuri mosque is the focus of the advance. Three years ago, Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi proclaimed a caliphate there.Narrow streets in this densely populated area have slowed down the army’s advance. Residents say Isis militants use them as human shields. According to the UN, several hundred civilians have been killed in the past month. Apr 1, 2017
Iraqi army continues battle against Isis, nears Mosuls Old City

Iraqi army continues battle against Isis, nears Mosuls Old City

Iraqi forces continue their fight against Isis on the edge of the Old City in Mosul. The neighbourhood around the al-Nuri mosque is the focus of the advance. Three years ago, Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi proclaimed a caliphate there.Narrow streets in this densely populated area have slowed down the army’s advance. Residents say Isis militants use them as human shields. According to the UN, several hundred civilians have been killed in the past month. Apr 1, 2017
Britain First and EDL protest in London with heavy police presence

Britain First and EDL protest in London with heavy police presence

Fewer than 200 demonstrators attended a far-right “March Against Terrorism” in Central London. Britain First and the EDL sought to capitalise on the recent terror attack in Westminster.A large number of protesters joined a counter demonstration organised by Unite Against Fascism. A heavy police presence attempted to keep the different groups separate. Several protesters against the march were arrested in clashes with police. Apr 1, 2017
Britain First and EDL protest in London with heavy police presence

Britain First and EDL protest in London with heavy police presence

Fewer than 200 demonstrators attended a far-right “March Against Terrorism” in Central London. Britain First and the EDL sought to capitalise on the recent terror attack in Westminster.A large number of protesters joined a counter demonstration organised by Unite Against Fascism. A heavy police presence attempted to keep the different groups separate. Several protesters against the march were arrested in clashes with police. Apr 1, 2017
Pillow fighters gather in Hong Kong for epic battle

Pillow fighters gather in Hong Kong for epic battle

People in Hong Kong celebrated International Pillow Fight Day. It was a fun opportunity to let off steam after the much-debated Chief Executive election. International Pillow Fight Day is held annually in cities around the world. It was first celebrated seven years ago and is organised by the Urban Playground Movement. Apr 1, 2017
New photos show missing teen Elizabeth Thomas with 50-year-old alleged abductor

New photos show missing teen Elizabeth Thomas with 50-year-old alleged abductor

A missing Tennessee teenager and the former teacher accused of abducting her were spotted hundreds of miles away in Oklahoma at a Walmart. Elizabeth Thomas and her 50-year-old alleged kidnapper Tad Cummins have been missing since mid-March. The former teacher was fired after a student reported that they had seen the pair kissing in a classroom. Apr 1, 2017
Space capsule to make you feel like a real astronaut

Space capsule to make you feel like a real astronaut

Jeff Bezos Blue Origin company unveiled the first ever images of its capsule designed to take tourists on a trip into space. The sneak peak included illustrations of the sleek white New Shepard Capsule complete with black leather seats and large windows that will look out on Earth.  Apr 1, 2017
Michael Flynn requests immunity in Trump-Russia investigation

Michael Flynn requests immunity in Trump-Russia investigation

President Trump’s former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn sought immunity before testifying about his contacts with Russia during Trump’s campaign. The Senate Intelligence Committee refused Flynn’s immunity request. Critics say Flynn’s request only raised suspicions, given his past comments. Apr 1, 2017
Angry rioters set Paraguays Congress on fire

Angry rioters set Paraguays Congress on fire

Paraguays Congress was set ablaze on Friday (31 March) by angry demonstrators opposing a constitutional amendment that would allow President Horacio Cartes to run for re-election in 2018. Cartes called on the protesters to remain calm and avoid violence. Opponents of the constitutional change believe that the new measure would weaken the democratic institutions of the country. They also alleged that the secret voting, which saw a total of 25 lawmakers in the 45-member upper chamber voting for the change, was illegal. A voting on the amendment was set to take place in the 80-member Chamber of Deputies early on Saturday (1 April) but was cancelled following the violent protests. Apr 1, 2017
Who is Tomi Lahren?

Who is Tomi Lahren?

The conservative host has amassed a huge 4.3m followers on Facebook through her viral monologues, many of which espouse right-wing and conservative views in line with US President Donald Trump. Her popularity online has led to appearances on mainstream television shows, such as The Daily Show and Real Time with Bill Maher. However, her show on news outlet The Blaze has recently been suspended, after the 24-year-old claimed she was ‘pro-choice’ on US talk show The View. Mar 31, 2017
British entrepreneur builds homemade Iron Man flight suit

British entrepreneur builds homemade Iron Man flight suit

Ex-Royal Marine reserve and oil trader turned entrepreneur Richard Browning developed Daedelus from his garage in Salisbury over the course of 10 months. Browning has filed a patent for his creation, which consists of six gas turbines separated into pairs which are then strapped onto the wearers back and arms. Mar 31, 2017
Watch horrific moment maid drops from 7th-floor window as employer films instead of helping

Watch horrific moment maid drops from 7th-floor window as employer films instead of helping

A video of an Ethiopian domestic worker begging her employer for help from her Kuwait employer as she is about to fall from a 7th floor window has sparked outrage online. The maid was filmed holding on to a window frame with one hand as she cries for help. Her employer, who is filming the scene, does nothing to help. The maid survived the fall from the building in Sabah al-Salem, a suburb of Kuwait City near the airport, but suffered multiple fractures, according to the Kuwait Times. Mar 31, 2017
12-year-old Lewis Moss becomes youngest ever to play organ for Oxford college

12-year-old Lewis Moss becomes youngest ever to play organ for Oxford college

12-year-old Lewis Moss has become the youngest person to play the organ for University College, Oxford after winning a musical scholarship. He is one of just 750 young people to be learning the instrument in the UK. The university has 50 organ scholarships on offer but struggles to fill them, only around 30 are filled and colleges have to bring in professionals to fill the gaps. Mar 31, 2017