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Trump says Bashar al-Assad choked out the lives of helpless men, women and children in Syria

Trump says Bashar al-Assad choked out the lives of helpless men, women and children in Syria

US President Donald Trump ordered a missile strike against an Assad regime airbase in Homs in Syria on Thursday night (6 April) in response to the horrific chemical attack against civilians in the rebel-held town of Khan Sheikhoun. Speaking at the Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, where the president is attending a two-day summit with his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, Trump said it was in the vital national security interest of the United States to prevent and deter the spread and use of deadly chemical weapons. Apr 7, 2017
Tillerson: Russia should consider carefully its support to Assad regime

Tillerson: Russia should consider carefully its support to Assad regime

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Thursday (6 April) that Russia had failed to deliver on a commitment to secure chemical weapons in Syria. He accused Syrian President Bashar al-Assad of perpetuating a chemical weapons attack that killed more than 70 civilians in Syria. He urged Russia to reconsider its support for the regime. In a strongly worded rebuke, Tillerson said the country had either been complicit or simply incompetent in its failure to keep to the 2013 commitment brokered under the Obama administration after a chemical attack. Apr 7, 2017
US launches cruise missile strike on Syrian air base

US launches cruise missile strike on Syrian air base

President Donald Trump ordered military action against the Assad regime in Syria in response to the horrific Khan Sheikhoun chemical attack believed to have been carried out by government forces. Up to 60 Tomahawk missiles were fired at an air base in Homs where aircraft that carried out the attack, possibly with sarin gas, are thought to have been based. The missile strike was not announced earlier, but strong rhetoric had come out of the administration before the action was taken. Speaking from his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, Trump said: I call on all civilised nations in seeking to end the slaughter and bloodshed in Syria. Apr 7, 2017
Distraught father cries for entire family killed in Syria gas attack

Distraught father cries for entire family killed in Syria gas attack

Youssef Abdel Hamid, a resident of Khan Sheikhoun, Syria, lost more than 20 members of his extended family in the 4 April chemical attack, including his wife Dalal and their two infant children Aya and Ahmed.The use of a chemical agent was confirmed on 6 April by Turkish autopsies of the bodies. Apr 6, 2017
Tesla Model X review

Tesla Model X review

We review the Model X, the new all-electric sports utility vehicle from Tesla Apr 6, 2017
Donald Trumps weirdest habits

Donald Trumps weirdest habits

From moving glasses to yanking handshakes, here are some of the strangest habits of the leader of the free world. Apr 6, 2017
Uber passenger hurls racist abuse and rape claims at driver

Uber passenger hurls racist abuse and rape claims at driver

The full eight-minute video captured the shocking exchange during a fare in New York city with driver Bakany Blacky recording the female passenger in the back of his car before uploading it on LiveLeak.Unleashing a rant where she says she will “start screaming out the window that you’re raping me”, she then falsely accuses the driver of punching her in the face. She then decides to unfurl racist abuse, telling the driver to “get the f**k out of my country” and that “Donald Trump is going to send you and your family back”. It is believed the argument started over the driver not being able to provide the passenger with a smartphone charger – as it can be heard in the clip him saying “if I don’t have a charger, politely ask me. I’ll politely tell you…but you start disrespecting me...” It swiftly ignited into the passenger hitting the back of the seats, saying she will spit in his face, punch herself in her own face and claim the driver was responsible. Apr 6, 2017
The volatile relationship between China and the United States

The volatile relationship between China and the United States

Throughout the years, the United States and China have had a differing relationship. With Barack Obama in the White House the relationship had grown friendly and open but with the election of Donald Trump, and his many controversies, the future is unclear. Newsweek takes a look at the relationship from Nixon to Trump.  Apr 6, 2017
Political meeting in Argentina ends in mass brawl

Political meeting in Argentina ends in mass brawl

Rival politicians from the Cambiemos and Petronist parties ended up in a mass fight after a meeting in Buenos Aires on 5 April. No one was seriously injured in the brawl, which was sparked after Abraham Delgado from the Cambiemos party demanded the session be suspended, claiming members of his party were denied the right to speak. Apr 6, 2017
Rhino charges elephants and a conservation truck on release in Nepal

Rhino charges elephants and a conservation truck on release in Nepal

A greater one-horned rhinoceros charged a truck and elephants after being released into Nepal’s Shuklaphanta National Park.Video from WWF Nepal shows the Indian rhino attacking a specially built truck used to transport him from Chitwan National Park to its new home in the far west of Nepal. The Nepali government and WWF Nepal plan to relocate five rhinos to the Shuklaphanta reserve to boost its existing population of 10 rhinos. WWF Nepal said in a statement that 250 people and 30 elephants were involved in the relocation. Apr 6, 2017
Woman gives birth in helicopter after being rescued from Peru floods

Woman gives birth in helicopter after being rescued from Peru floods

A woman gave birth to a baby girl on 4 April as she was rescued from the flooded region of Piura, in northern Peru. Maria Pingo was rescued by troops and gave birth during the flight as she was being taken to the Lambayeque Regional Hospital in Chiclayo. Continuing floods and mudslides have killed more than 100 people and left tens of thousands homeless since the start of the year. Apr 6, 2017
Woman gives birth in helicopter after being rescued from Peru floods

Woman gives birth in helicopter after being rescued from Peru floods

A woman gave birth to a baby girl on 4 April as she was rescued from the flooded region of Piura, in northern Peru. Maria Pingo was rescued by troops and gave birth during the flight as she was being taken to the Lambayeque Regional Hospital in Chiclayo. Continuing floods and mudslides have killed more than 100 people and left tens of thousands homeless since the start of the year. Apr 6, 2017
‘Impregnate the rivals’: Burundi men sing song inciting rape

‘Impregnate the rivals’: Burundi men sing song inciting rape

Burundi men belonging to the youth wing of the ruling CNDD-FDD party were attending an event organised by the party in the commune of Ntega, in Kirundo province which borders Rwanda on 1 April. This has been confirmed by both the government and human rights groups. Apr 6, 2017
Five fun facts to celebrate National Beer Day

Five fun facts to celebrate National Beer Day

Here are five fun facts about beer to celebrate those suds! 1 - April 7th was chosen since that is the day in 1933 FDR signed an act to allow the legalized sale of beer less than 3.2% by weight. 2 - In the Middle Ages Beer was consumed more than water as the alcohol made it safer. 3 - at any given time, 0.7% of the world is drunk. 4 - The strongest beer in the world, Snake Venom by Brewmeister, has a 67.5% alcohol content. 5 - Coined in the early 1900s, the word alcoholiday means leisure time spent drinking. Grab a pint and go celebrate! Apr 6, 2017