
Articles by admin

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101-year-old D-Day veteran breaks skydiver record

101-year-old D-Day veteran breaks skydiver record

It was a family affair as 101-year-old Verdun Hayes made history by jumping out of a plane on 14 May. Four generations of his family skydived together as the great-grandfather broke the world record for being the oldest person to do so. May 15, 2017
What is WannaCry?

What is WannaCry?

Hundreds of thousands of people across the world fell victim to a massive ransomware attack over the weekend of 13 May. Known as WannaCry, or WannaCrypt, the malicious software crippled the NHS, the Russian government and other companies, before being stopped. May 15, 2017
Volunteers rescue whale that beached Itself in Mexico

Volunteers rescue whale that beached Itself in Mexico

Marine officials and local volunteers rescued a whale that beached itself in the shore of Ensenada de la Ventosa in Oaxaca, Mexico, on 7 May. Officials from the Office of Marine and Policy, as well as officials from the Civil Protection unit, came together with locals to rescue a whale that was discovered early Sunday morning. May 15, 2017
Putin plays piano during break at Silk Road summit

Putin plays piano during break at Silk Road summit

While awaiting Chinese leader Xi Jinping, Russian President Vladimir Putin played a few tunes. The two leaders were meeting for bilateral talks during Chinas Silk Road summit. Putin reportedly played passages from Soviet-era songs about Moscow and St Petersburg. May 14, 2017
Mars Rover or Batmobile? Mystery prototype Nasa space vehicle revealed

Mars Rover or Batmobile? Mystery prototype Nasa space vehicle revealed

A Mars vehicle looking a lot like a Batmobile has been unveiled at the Kennedy Space Center. Although the center is owned by NASA, the space agency was not involved in funding the project. It was developed by Parker Brothers Concepts and SeaDek.The vehicle can split in half, with the front acting as a scouting vehicle and the rear as a lab. It is made from aluminum and carbon-fiber and weighs 5,000 pounds.While it is designed to function on Mars it is unlikely to travel to the red planet any time soon. Instead, the rover will go on an educational tour promoting an upcoming cable TV show. May 14, 2017
17 mummies from Greco-Roman period discovered in Egypt

17 mummies from Greco-Roman period discovered in Egypt

At least 17 mummies have been discovered in an ancient burial site in Egypt. The crypt lies eight meters below ground and was detected using radar. It contains sarcophagi, several baboon coffins and papyrus scrolls. The mummies are believed to be from the Greco-Roman period starting in 332 BC.Egypt hopes the discovery will spark a renewed interest in the country as a tourist destination. May 14, 2017
Emmanuel Macron inaugurated as Frances youngest president

Emmanuel Macron inaugurated as Frances youngest president

Emmanuel Macron has been inaugurated as Frances eight president. The pro-European centrist is the youngest-ever president to be sworn it. The 39-year-old won against Marine Le Pen in the second round of elections on 7 May.Before the ceremony, Macron held a meeting with outgoing socialist leader François Hollande. Macron has to pick a prime minister and is expected to meet with German chancellor Angela Merkel shortly after. May 14, 2017
Portugal wins Eurovision Song Contest for first time in 53 years

Portugal wins Eurovision Song Contest for first time in 53 years

Portugal has won the 62nd Eurovision Song Contest. It is the first time in Eurovision history the country has won. Singer Salvador Sobral received 785 points for his heartfelt ballad sung in Portuguese.Bulgaria came second with 615 points and Moldova came third with 374. UKs Lucie Jones came in at a respectable 15th place with 111 points. May 14, 2017
Brexit Britain tries to woo China for increased trade at Belt and Road summit

Brexit Britain tries to woo China for increased trade at Belt and Road summit

Britain hopes for increased trade with China as Beijing presses forward with its ambitious Silk Road plan aimed at developing worldwide growth. Also known as the Belt and the Road initiative, the Silk Road programme hopes to increase global infrastructure and open up international trade routes in Eurasia. May 14, 2017
Putin criticises protectionism and sanctions at Eurasian Belt and Road summit

Putin criticises protectionism and sanctions at Eurasian Belt and Road summit

Delivering an address in Beijing at the One Belt, One Road summit – a trade initiative by China which aims to bring together dozens of states - Putin called on heads of state to abandon belligerent rhetoric to solve various geopolitical crises. He called protectionism and illegal sanctions a danger to openeness and free trade, a critizism directed at the European Union over the sanctions imposed on Russia after the annexation of Crimea. May 14, 2017
Theresa May praises NHS staff reaction after cyberattack

Theresa May praises NHS staff reaction after cyberattack

While service to most NHS hospitals has been restored following the unprecedented ransomware attack on organizations worldwide, Theresa May highlighted the dedication of NHS staff during the incident. She also defended the decision not to chair a Cobra meeting, leaving Home Secretery Amber Rudd to deal with the aftermath of the cyberattack. May 13, 2017
Syrian Democratic Forces recapture Tabqa Dam from Isis

Syrian Democratic Forces recapture Tabqa Dam from Isis

Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) liberated Tabqa city and a nearby dam from Isis. Tabqa Dam provides hundreds of thousands of Syrians with water and electricity.Also known as the Euphrates Dam, its recapture is an important victory. The US-backed SFD surveyed the damage to its structure. They also removed the Isis flag and unfurled their own banners. May 13, 2017
Syrian Democratic Forces recapture Tabqa Dam from Isis

Syrian Democratic Forces recapture Tabqa Dam from Isis

Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) liberated Tabqa city and a nearby dam from Isis. Tabqa Dam provides hundreds of thousands of Syrians with water and electricity.Also known as the Euphrates Dam, its recapture is an important victory. The US-backed SFD surveyed the damage to its structure. They also removed the Isis flag and unfurled their own banners. May 13, 2017
ISS footage shows thunderstorms in night-time Europe

ISS footage shows thunderstorms in night-time Europe

French astronaut Thomas Pesquet posted a video filmed from the International Space station showing Europe lit up at night. Occasionally, thunderstorms are visible in the distance.Pesquet is on a six-month mission on the ISS and regularly posts stunning views from space. May 13, 2017
NHS cyberattack: What you need to know

NHS cyberattack: What you need to know

As many as 45 NHS facilities were hit by a ransomware cyberattack on 12 May. The computer virus locked patient files, leaving healthcare services unable to treat many people.The Wanna Decryptor malware demanded $300 to unlock each computer. The virus may have exploited a Microsoft Windows flaw. Computers in up to 100 countries have been affected.It is unclear who is responsible, but the attack is believed to be criminal in nature, and not connected to a state actor. May 13, 2017