
Articles by admin

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Investment banker: Russian intelligence knew about Trump Jr. meetings

Investment banker: Russian intelligence knew about Trump Jr. meetings

William Bill Browder, an investment banker with experience and ties to Russia, testified in front of Congress. He said he believed that, with 100% certainty that the Russian intelligence services would have been aware of Donald Trump Jr.s meeting with a Russian lawyer, and were trying to use the meeting to achieve an end: the repeal of the Magnitsky Act, which imposed sanctions on Russia. Jul 29, 2017
Investment banker: Russian intelligence knew about Trump Jr. meetings

Investment banker: Russian intelligence knew about Trump Jr. meetings

William Bill Browder, an investment banker with experience and ties to Russia, testified in front of Congress. He said he believed that, with 100% certainty that the Russian intelligence services would have been aware of Donald Trump Jr.s meeting with a Russian lawyer, and were trying to use the meeting to achieve an end: the repeal of the Magnitsky Act, which imposed sanctions on Russia. Jul 29, 2017
Russia orders embassy to cut staff, seizes two properties in retaliation against US sanctions

Russia orders embassy to cut staff, seizes two properties in retaliation against US sanctions

Russia is demanding the US to reduce its diplomatic staff inside Russia, and says it would seize 2 U.S. diplomatic properties. The Russian Foreign Ministry announced the punishment, in response to the financial sanction bills against Russia awaiting President Trumps signature. The reduction in staff will apply on Sept. 1, and includes the U.S. Embassy in Moscow and consulates in St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and Vladivostok, The number limit is 455, in parity with the number of Russian diplomats in the U.S. Jul 29, 2017
Watch North Korea launching second ICBM test, overseen by Kim Jong-un

Watch North Korea launching second ICBM test, overseen by Kim Jong-un

North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un has said that his latest intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) test has only proved his regimes ability to strike all of the US and that it is a stern warning to American President Donald Trump and China. The isolated country launched its second ICBM late on Friday (28 July) and it was personally supervised by Kim. Jul 29, 2017
Is Jeff Bezos and Amazon set to take over the world?

Is Jeff Bezos and Amazon set to take over the world?

Jeff Bezos may soon become the richest person in the world by enlarging his acquisitions and increasing his wealth in multiple fields. Amazon continues to grow at an incredible speed, not only by dominating the market in U.S., but also extending its business worldwide. Jul 29, 2017
Reince Priebus pushed out as the White House chief of staff, replaced by John Kelly

Reince Priebus pushed out as the White House chief of staff, replaced by John Kelly

Reince Priebus pushed out as the White House chief of staff. Priebus recently came under fire after he fiercely opposed the appointment of Anthony Scaramucci as communication director. Scaramucci fired back by calling Priebus a leaker and dared him to deny so. President Trump announced on Twitter that secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly will replace Priebus. Jul 29, 2017
Reince Priebus pushed out as the White House chief of staff, replaced by John Kelly

Reince Priebus pushed out as the White House chief of staff, replaced by John Kelly

Reince Priebus pushed out as the White House chief of staff. Priebus recently came under fire after he fiercely opposed the appointment of Anthony Scaramucci as communication director. Scaramucci fired back by calling Priebus a leaker and dared him to deny so. President Trump announced on Twitter that secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly will replace Priebus. Jul 29, 2017
US and South Korea fire barrage of missiles in response to Kim Jong-Uns second ICBM test

US and South Korea fire barrage of missiles in response to Kim Jong-Uns second ICBM test

The US and South Korea fired a series of missiles in a show of force after North Korea successfully tested an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) for the second time late on Friday (28 July). The two allies carried out the joint military exercises involving two US Army Tactical Missile systems and two Hyunmoo II missiles into the territorial waters of South Korea along the East Coast, soon after Pyongyang fired its missile. Jul 29, 2017
Alleged abuse of baby giant pandas causes outrage in China

Alleged abuse of baby giant pandas causes outrage in China

Keepers have defended themselves saying the pandas were being violent and that the footage had been edited. Panda keeper Guo Jingpeng said that on 12 July, he was feeding milk to the panda cubs, just as he does every day, when one of them suddenly became aggressive. It bit my hand really hard, its teeth cut into the flesh and my hand started bleeding, Guo said.When it tried to bite me again, I pushed it away out of instinct.Guo also said that he has been targeted through the video. The over 50-minute video was intentionally edited into less than two minutes of footage, he said. Humane Society Internationals China Policy expert Dr Peter Li has responded the video saying The action of this panda keeper is hard to defend and so it is good to see that the Chengdu facility has not tried to do so. Pandas are wild animals and so anyone working with them should be properly trained so that they can interact with them without resorting to the kind of rough handling that we see in the video. Dragging and throwing any animal is unacceptable, and the outrage that has been expressed on social media for this globally-adored species is typical these days of growing animal welfare concern among Chinas citizens. Jul 28, 2017
Pakistans prime minister Nawaz Sharif Resigns over Panama Papers Corruption Court Ruling

Pakistans prime minister Nawaz Sharif Resigns over Panama Papers Corruption Court Ruling

This is the third time Sharifs stint in office has been cut short. His government was dissolved in April 1993 by President Ghulam Ishaq Khan, however Sharif successfully challenged that decision to become prime minister again in May. He then resigned from the post in July, forcing the removal of President Khan as well.After re-election in 1997, he was then forced out by a military coup in 1999. He came back from exile to secure a major victory in the 2013 polls. This latest disqualification comes roughly a year before his term was to conclude, ending his chance of creating history by becoming the first Pakistani prime minister to complete a full five-year term in office. Pakistans powerful military has ruled the country for roughly half of its nearly 70-year-history. Jul 28, 2017
Watch John McCain sink Republicans skinny Obamacare repeal bill

Watch John McCain sink Republicans skinny Obamacare repeal bill

In a stinging blow to President Donald Trump, U.S. Senate Republicans failed on July 28 to dismantle Obamacare, falling short on a major campaign promise. Three Republican senators, John McCain, Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski, crossed party lines to join Democrats in a dramatic 49-to-51 vote to reject the bill. Jul 28, 2017
Watch cop bravely wrestle alligator in Florida

Watch cop bravely wrestle alligator in Florida

A Boynton Beach police officer wrangled an alligator and released it back into the wild earlier in July. Officer Alfredo Vargas had previous training in handling gators, and didnt want the little guy to be killed by a trapper. According to a Facebook post by the Boynton Beach Police Department, Vargas initially responded to a call of an alligator in front of a residents front door. After being told he would have to wait for a trapper to arrive – a trapper who would likely kill the alligator – Vargas safely wrestled the alligator into his patrol car and released it into a nearby canal.Officer Vargas doesnt know it yet, but weve just made him the departments official alligator wrestler (kidding but not really), the post said. Jul 28, 2017