Weird World
Google shows Donald Trump's images when you search for 'idiot'?
Alien shockproof: UFO spotted in La Porte, Indiana sparks debate
Werewolf monster spotted in Tennessee woods terrifies eyewitness
A starry house: How one Florida family painted their house to help their son
Apocalypse fear looms large again: Is there a reference to July 27 Blood Moon in Bible?
Ex-KGB man turns time traveller to year 4000, claims aliens keen to 'cleanse' earth
Inter-dimensional portal opens up inside a house in South Carolina, sparks debate
Noah, self-proclaimed time traveller from 2030, claims facing risk to his life
Legendary rapper Tupac faked his death and is very much alive, claims time traveller
Russell's viper gives birth to 36 hatchlings at an institute in Mumbai
Human-like mutant creature washed ashore China beach puzzles experts (VIDEO)
Aliencraft or TR-3B? Triangular UFO spotted in Washington skies sparks debate (VIDEO)
Flickr of light in the skies of New Jersey: Inter-dimensional portal opened?
How much would you pay for parking? Millions, if you live in Hong Kong