How to spot Fake News

How to spot Fake News

Here are some tips on what to look for when watching out for fake news.  Dec 21, 2017
Will Trumps presidency be the end of his business empire?

Will Trumps presidency be the end of his business empire?

Although Donald Trump appears to be proud of his achievements as President it appears it may come at the price of his business empire.His hotels in partuicular may be in trouble as those who disagree with his politics turn their back on his brand. Dec 21, 2017
Ivanka Trump surprises Norwalk school with visit

Ivanka Trump surprises Norwalk school with visit

An unannounced school visit by first daughter Ivanka Trump, intended to be a pleasant surprise, wound up causing some anti-Donald-Trump parents to pull their kids from class. This video was posted to Snapchat by Ms Trumps team. Dec 20, 2017
Watch US Senate pass Republican tax bill

Watch US Senate pass Republican tax bill

The Republican-led US Senate approved a sweeping, $1.5 trillion tax bill in the small hours of December 20, moving their party and President Donald Trump a step closer to the largest overhaul of the U.S. tax code in more than 30 years. The bill slashes taxes for corporations and wealthy taxpayers, revamps how the United States taxes multinational companies and creates a tax deduction for the owners of pass-through businesses, ranging from mom-and-pop stores to large real estate and financial enterprises. Dec 20, 2017
Why does Trump drink water like a child?

Why does Trump drink water like a child?

People are obsessed with President Donald Trumps strange method of drinking water. Some have compared Trumps two-handed drinking technique to that of a small child. Dec 19, 2017
Trump shoots down rumours, says no plans to fire Russia probe chief Robert Mueller

Trump shoots down rumours, says no plans to fire Russia probe chief Robert Mueller

US President Donald Trump told reporters on Sunday (17 December) that he is not planning on firing Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Democratic lawmakers in recent days have expressed concern that Trump might fire Mueller, who is investigating allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential election and whether Trump or anyone on his team colluded with Moscow. Russia denies meddling in the election and Trump has denied any collusion. Dec 18, 2017
Trump shoots down rumours, says no plans to fire Russia probe chief Robert Mueller

Trump shoots down rumours, says no plans to fire Russia probe chief Robert Mueller

US President Donald Trump told reporters on Sunday (17 December) that he is not planning on firing Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Democratic lawmakers in recent days have expressed concern that Trump might fire Mueller, who is investigating allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential election and whether Trump or anyone on his team colluded with Moscow. Russia denies meddling in the election and Trump has denied any collusion. Dec 18, 2017
Trump wants to make Christmas great again

Trump wants to make Christmas great again

The so-called War On Christmas is an issue that rears its head every year around the holidays. Conservatives believe that liberals are trying to remove Christianity from the U.S., in part by wishing each other Happy Holidays rather than Merry Christmas. While there is no actual proof of this, it is an extremely popular theory. And no one believes this more than U.S. President Donald Trump. Dec 15, 2017
Top 10 globally trending YouTube videos of 2017

Top 10 globally trending YouTube videos of 2017

From Ed Sheerans Carpool Kareoke segment with James Corden and Lady Gagas Super Bowl halftime show to Bad Lip Readings video of Donald Trumps inauguration, here is a look at YouTubes 2017 Top 10 Globally Trending Videos list. Dec 15, 2017
Roy Moore still wont concede defeat after losing election

Roy Moore still wont concede defeat after losing election

Roy Moore refuses to concede defeat after he lost to Doug Jones in the Alabama Senate election on December 12. The stunning upset by Jones makes him the first Democrat elected to the U.S. Senate from Alabama in a quarter-century and will cut the Republicans and amp;#39; already narrow Senate majority to 51-49. Dec 14, 2017
US Senator calls President Trumps tweet a sexist smear

US Senator calls President Trumps tweet a sexist smear

US Senator Kirsten Gillibrand fired back at President Donald Trump on Tuesday (12 December) and said she would not be silenced after he attacked her on Twitter for calling for an investigation into accusations of sexual harassment and misconduct against him. Dec 13, 2017