
Samsung Takes Pre-booking Orders For Galaxy S3 In India

The pre-booking orders for much-awaited Samsung Galaxy S3 are open in India on the company's product e-Store with assured gifts for the customers. Reportedly the pre-orders have crossed 9 million in few days worldwide. May 19, 2012

808 PureView Not For Rs 29999, Says Nokia

Nokia has refuted speculations that the 808 PureView will be relatively lesser priced than its pre-booking price of Rs 40,000 announced by the company last month May 15, 2012

Tech spurs growth in Silicon Valley housing market

As the rest of the country grapples with foreclosures, Silicon Valley's real estate market continues to grow. Home prices are expected to surge further following Facebook's initial public offering, which will result in a slew of new millionaires looking to upgrade their homes in the coming year. Duration: 02:03 May 15, 2012

Apple iPad 2's Battery Life Gets Extended By Two Hours

Apple now ships the entry-level 16GB WiFi iPad 2 with 2-hour extended battery life. Along with the new third-generation iPad, Apple in March began selling a lower-priced, $399, iPad 2. In the UK, the iPad 2 sells for £329. May 5, 2012

Mogadishu rebuilds after years of war

The city of Mogadishu was almost entirely destroyed by a 20 year civil war that left thousands of people dead, and forced thousands more to flee. Now that the Al-Qaeda backed group Al-Shebab have fled the city, rebuilding work has begun to try and restore the city to its former glory. Duration: 02:10 May 5, 2012

Samsung Galaxy S3 Likely To Hit Indian Markets In June

Samsung Galaxy S3, touted as be the best next-generation smartphone on the lines of Apple's iPhone series, was launched at an event in London on Thursday. However, it will take a few more weeks before the new Galaxy hits the Indian markets. May 4, 2012