
Google to Compete With Apple, Microsoft; Google Tablet Specs

After Microsoft, it's Google that is taking on the Apple in tablet market. The search giant will launch its tablet on June 27 at Google I/O, an annual developer conference. Google's tablet is likely to be called Nexus. It reportedly feature 7-inches screen size and run on Android 4.1 Jelly Bean. Check out Google tablet specs. Jun 26, 2012

Judge Ends Apple-Motorola Patent War

Apple Inc On Friday lost a crucial lawsuit to Google's Motorola, thereby putting an end to the global patent war the iPhone maker has long waged since 2010. The ruling was issued in the Chicago federal court, with Judge Richard Posner conceding that Apple will no more seek an injunction against the Motorola Mobility unit. Meanwhile, both the tech companies are permitted to appeal Friday's ruling, a Reuters report said. Jun 25, 2012

7 Reasons Why Apple iPhone 4S Has Upper Hand Over Samsung Galaxy S3

Apple iPhone 4S and Samsung GalaxY S3 are both powerful smartphones with its unique advantages and disadvantages. It can be said that Apple iPhone 4S has got the right challenger for the competition. Quite many reviews makes Galaxy S3 the winner over Apple iPhone 4S. However, Apple iPhone 4S holds it own stand with some features that are superior to that of Samsung's latest flagship phone. Jun 25, 2012

Microsoft Surface Tablet: 4 Unknown Things About Surface

Microsoft has taken on Apple iPad by unveiling its Surface tablet last week. Technology experts are impressed with the tablet that is powered by its operating system Windows 8. However, people are still left in the dark on certain aspects of the tablet. There are four unknown things about Microsoft Surface Tablet. Jun 25, 2012

Twitter Attacked By Hackers? Cascading Bug Caused Inaccessibility, Says Official

Millions of Twitter users experienced something they never expected on Thursday as they could not access the microblogging site for over two hours. Speculations were doing the rounds that hackers had attacked the site but a source said that a "cascading bug" in one of its infrastructure components disrupted the network. Jun 22, 2012

Samsung Galaxy S3 Explodes, Says Report; Investigation On

In what could cause a big blow to the sales of Samsung Electronics around the world, a consumer from Ireland claimed that the much-hyped smartphone Galaxy S3 exploded in his car. Samsung Galaxy S3 was launched in May 2012. The Korean electronic giant said that it is investigating on the reports. Jun 22, 2012