
Samsung Galaxy S3 Explodes, Says Report; Investigation On

In what could cause a big blow to the sales of Samsung Electronics around the world, a consumer from Ireland claimed that the much-hyped smartphone Galaxy S3 exploded in his car. Samsung Galaxy S3 was launched in May 2012. The Korean electronic giant said that it is investigating on the reports. Jun 22, 2012

Apple iPhone 5 Vs Samsung Galaxy S3: Sources Say iPhone 5 is Superior

So much has been talked and written about Apple's iPhone 5 but at the moment, Samsung Galaxy S3 is ruling the smartphone market and selling like hot cake all over the world. However, a source close to Foxconn that assembles iPhone and other Apple products claimed that Apple's iPhone 5 will put Samsung Galaxy S3 to shame. Jun 21, 2012

Samsung Galaxy S3 and HTC One X Go Toe to Toe with Each Other

HTC has shown strong branding skills by introducing the new gorgeous design and polished user experience with the launch of its HTC One X smartphone. With each passing day, the newest series in the form of "HTC One" has come as a relief to the smartphone giant. Jun 19, 2012