
Traffic Woes: Indian Drivers Honk More in a Year Than a German Does in a Lifetime

A couple of years ago, a traffic police officer once gave a briefing to a group of students in the Karnataka state capital Bangalore. There was something he told the gathering that day which made complete sense to the students, although it was meant to be a joke: The shortest unit of 'time' ever measured is what occurs when a traffic light goes green in Indian streets and the first honking sound you hear. May 20, 2013

Draconian Laws Against LGBT Must Be Repealed: UN

Terming the fight against homophobia as a core part of battle for human rights, United Nations General Secretary Ban-Ki-moon in strong words called for repeal of draconian laws used to criminalize and punish LGBT. "The Universal Declaration of Human Rights promises a world that is free and equal, and we will only honour that promise if everyone-without exception-enjoys the protection they deserve.", he said in his message to the International Forum on the International Day Against Homophobia an... May 19, 2013
Salman Khurshid

Why China's Incursion in Ladakh Preceded Khurshid's Visit?

Ever since 1959 when the Tibetan Religious leader Dalai Lama crossed the mountains and sought refuge in Dharmashala, India's relations with China were on a rollercoaster and the 1962 war was a decisive factor that can never revert an unequal relationship set between the two giants. May 3, 2013

Supreme Court Clears FDI in Retail Sector, Says 'Consumer is King'

In what could come as a big relief to the Centre after being dogged by several corruption charges and scams, the Supreme Court on Wednesday cleared the government's proposal to allow 51 percent foreign direct investment (FDI) in the multi-brand retail sector. May 2, 2013