Nupur Jha

Articles by Nupur Jha

Nupur Jha is working as a reporter for International Business catering the readers with interesting Health, Science and Viral news reports. She completed her masters in Journalism in 2013 and has worked as a Science Reporter and Content Writer over the years and is a rap artist as well.

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Aedes aegypti mosquito

Zika Virus: Tips, causes and prevention

The fact that none of the Zika infected patients, their spouses or relatives had travelled to any country with Zika virus transmission, is making it more of a cause for concern. Jun 1, 2017
ufo, Texas border, weird, spotted,

Weirdly behaving UFO spotted at Texas border [VIDEO]

This disc-shaped UFO came out of nowhere in the sky and was flying at an extremely fast pace. It disappeared in the sky once, but it reappeared and stopped after the witness flashed a laser at the craft. May 30, 2017