
Articles by admin

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Mass grave discovered beneath Paris supermarket

Beneath the feet of shoppers perusing the shelves of beauty products in a central Paris supermarket on 10 March, archaeologists were carefully dusting down hundreds of skeletons uncovered in a medieval mass grave. Mar 11, 2015

Wikimedia files lawsuit challenging NSA mass surveillance

The US National Security Agency was sued on 10 March by Wikimedia and other groups challenging one of its mass surveillance programs that they said violates Americans privacy and makes individuals worldwide less likely to share sensitive information. Mar 11, 2015

Inside the worlds first Google Shop

As a world first, Google unveiled its first “shop in shop” - The Google shop - in Currys PC World on Tottenham Court Road in London. Mar 10, 2015

EU nears deal on €315bn plan to tackle drop in investment

EU finance ministers agreed the details of a €315bn (£224bn, $338bn) investment plan on 10 March to help revive the European economy without piling up more debt, and now aim to get the first projects going by the end of the year. Mar 10, 2015

Crossrail unearths 1000s of skeletons in London

Excavation work that is part of the construction for Europes largest infrastructure project expects to unearth around 3,000 skeletons from the 16th and 17th centuries at Londons Liverpool Street Station. Mar 10, 2015