
Articles by admin

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Obama: It is now hard to find a path on Israeli-Palestinian peace

In a fresh rebuke to Benjamin Netanyahu, US President Barack Obama said the Israeli leaders pre-election disavowal of a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict makes it hard to find a path toward serious negotiations to resolve the issue. Mar 23, 2015

King Richard III nears resting place after 530 years

A cortege carrying the remains of King Richard III was welcomed by thousands of people in the city of Leicester on 22 March after a last journey to the nearby battlefield where he was slain 530 years ago. Mar 23, 2015

Amazon wins approval to test Prime Air delivery drone has won US federal regulators approval to test a delivery drone, as the e-commerce giant pursues a vision of speeding packages to customers through the air amid public concern over the safety and privacy implications. Mar 20, 2015