
Articles by admin

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Amazon Go: New cashier-less grocery store opens in Seattle

Amazon Go: New cashier-less grocery store opens in Seattle

Amazon has launched a grocery store of the future with no checkout lines, no cashiers and no cash transactions. A row of gates restrict entry to only customers with the Amazon App on their phone. Shoppers can scan their phone, grab what they want and walk right out of the store. Jan 23, 2018
U.S. CEO makes ordinary workers salary in just over a day

U.S. CEO makes ordinary workers salary in just over a day

According to a new report by Oxfam International, it takes just over one working day for a CEO to earn what an ordinary worker earns annually in the U.S.The report on global inequality was published in time for the World Economic Forum, which starts this week. Jan 22, 2018
Heath Ledgers best movie roles

Heath Ledgers best movie roles

A list of Heath Ledgers best performances 10 years after his death, including The Dark Knight and Brokeback Mountain. Jan 22, 2018
Nasa tests shape memory alloy for foldable aircraft wings during flight

Nasa tests shape memory alloy for foldable aircraft wings during flight

Nasa tested a new lightweight alloy to fold the outer portions of aircraft wings during flight. The alloy is a shape-memory material, and is triggered by controlling the temperature, moving the outer wings up or down. Having flexible wings could make flights more aerodynamic for both subsonic and supersonic aircraft. Jan 22, 2018