
Articles by admin

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Hundreds killed by airstrikes in Syrias eastern Ghouta

Hundreds killed by airstrikes in Syrias eastern Ghouta

Pro-government forces have been bombarding various towns in Syrias eastern Ghouta, killing at 250 people over the past two days. Amnesty International said there were flagrant war crimes going on in eastern Ghouta, near the capital Damascus. Seven hospitals were bombed by the Russian-backed forces since 19 February with two hospitals suspending operations and one being put out of service. Feb 21, 2018
Jupiters Great Red Spot is about to disappear within the next ten years

Jupiters Great Red Spot is about to disappear within the next ten years

The Solar Sytems largest, most ferocious storm is finally calming down and it could be gone in about ten years. The Great Red Spot (GRS)- a defining feature of Jupiter is getting less intense by the day.Jupiters GRS is actually a hurricane-like storm that has been roiling in the planets atmosphere for about 188 years now. The eye of the storm, which was, when first observed in the 19 century, over twice the width of Earth has already shrunk to about 10,000 miles across –1.3 times the diameter of Earth. Feb 21, 2018
North Korea cancelled planned Olympic meeting with Mike Pence at the last moment

North Korea cancelled planned Olympic meeting with Mike Pence at the last moment

US Vice President Mike Pence was scheduled to meet with North Korean officials earlier this month during the Winter Olympics in South Korea but the North Koreans canceled the meeting, Pences office said on Tuesday (20 February). Kim Jong-uns officials scrapped the 10 February meeting reportedly just two hours before it was set to start. Feb 21, 2018
Guns destroyed in viral #Oneless campaign

Guns destroyed in viral #Oneless campaign

A viral internet campaign urging legal US gun owners to destroy or hand in their rifles and handguns in the wake of the mass shooting that killed 17 people in Parkland, Florida is sweeping the US.  Feb 21, 2018
Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas calls for International Mideast peace conference

Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas calls for International Mideast peace conference

We call for the convening of an international peace conference by mid 2018 based on international law and the relevant U.N. resolutions with broad international participation and including the two concerned parties and the regional and international stakeholders, Mahmoud Abbas said at the United Nations on Feb. 20, 2018. Feb 21, 2018
Four years after being put in a Coma, Olympic snowboarder AJ Muss eyes Olympic gold

Four years after being put in a Coma, Olympic snowboarder AJ Muss eyes Olympic gold

Olympic snowboarder A.J. Muss will compete in the parallel slalom and parallel giant slalom at the Winter Olympic Games in PyeongChang. Just four years ago, the 23-year-old faced a scary situation while suffering from pulmonary oedema. He was put in a medically-induced coma for two weeks which left him with significant ailments to this day. Feb 21, 2018
Man detained after going through legal means to get Green card

Man detained after going through legal means to get Green card

On Jan, 31 Jose Ivan Nuñez was attending a meeting to receive his green card when he was unexpectedly detained by ICE agents. His husband spoke at a press conference organized in association with Juntos, an organisation in Philadelphia fighting for the human rights of the Latino immigrant community.They are demanding he is freed from detention and fear his life would be in danger if he returned to Mexico due to his sexuality.  Feb 21, 2018
Donald Trump is the worst president according to political science experts

Donald Trump is the worst president according to political science experts

On a scale of 0 to 100 for overall greatness, President Trump scored just over 12, coming in dead last among U.S. commanders-in-chief in an expert rankings survey released on Presidents Day. The 2018 Presidents and Executive Politics Presidential Greatness Survey, which ranks presidents from best to worst, was based on responses from 170 current and recent members of a section of the American Political Science Association, an organization of social science experts. Feb 20, 2018
Gun owner with 2nd amendment tattoo deliberately breaks his gun

Gun owner with 2nd amendment tattoo deliberately breaks his gun

American gun owner Scott-Dani Pappalardo who described himself as a and amp;#39;firm believer of the 2nd Amendment and amp;#39;, even having it tattooed on his arm, decided to give up his his AR-15 rifle by sawing off the barrel.An AR-15 Rifle was the same gun used by Nikolas Cruz in the recent Florida high school mass shooting.Pappalardo posted the video with the hashtag #Oneless, and he is hoping his actions will convince other gun owners to do the same. Feb 20, 2018
Roger Federer becomes oldest world no.1 in history

Roger Federer becomes oldest world no.1 in history

Roger Federer added yet another record to his vast collection when he officially returned to world number one as the latest ATP rankings were released on 19 February. The 36-year-old beat Andre Agassis record as the most senior player to reach the summit of the sport. Feb 20, 2018
Horrific footage of 12-old-girl being mugged for her phone by man

Horrific footage of 12-old-girl being mugged for her phone by man

Police in Derby are appealing for help to find a man who violently stole a mobile phone from a 12-year-old girl on February 18. The man can be seen walking past the girl then turning back to grab the phone from her. The girl resists and in a struggle that lasts almost 30 seconds, he wrestles her to the ground and eventually overpowers her. Feb 20, 2018