
Articles by admin

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American Airlines plane on fire at Chicago airport

American Airlines plane on fire at Chicago airport

At least 9 people are reported to have been injured after American Airlines Flight 383 bound for Miami erupted in flames at OHare International Airport on Friday (28 October) afternoon. Emergency inflatable slides were deployed and all 161 passengers and 9 crew members were able to evacuate the plane. Oct 29, 2016
Ukip leader contender Raheem Kassam is the Farage-ist candidate

Ukip leader contender Raheem Kassam is the Farage-ist candidate

Raheen Kassam, former aide to Nigel Farage, has launched his campaign to become leader of Ukip. Speaking at a pub in Westminster he said that the party should not be dragged to the squishy centre ground. Diane James was the party leader until she resigned 18 days into the job, meaning ex-leader Nigel Farage is now running Ukip as an interim. The partys new leader will be announced on 28 November. Oct 28, 2016
Animals at Chester Zoo enjoy their pumpkin treats for Halloween

Animals at Chester Zoo enjoy their pumpkin treats for Halloween

Chester Zoo in Cheshire, England, have given their animals some early Halloween treats so they can get into the spirit of the holiday. The zoos black jaguar, Goshi, preferred to play with his and lost it in the pool, but Bernie the Bear devoured his honey-coated pumpkin. Oct 28, 2016
Philippines: Duterte says God warned him off swearing

Philippines: Duterte says God warned him off swearing

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has promised to stop swearing, saying that god threatened to bring his plane down during a flight from Japan if he did not. The controversial former mayor has told Obama to go to hell, called UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon a devil and said f**k you twice to the European Union, while raising his middle finger. Oct 28, 2016
Martin Shkreli: Whats the notorious pharma exec done now?

Martin Shkreli: Whats the notorious pharma exec done now?

Martin Shkreli is an American entrepreneur and pharmaceutical executive also known as the most hated man in America after he upped the price of Daraprim, heavily relied drug upon by Aids and cancer patients, by 5,000% making it $750. He is co-founder of the hedge fund MSMB Capital Management, co-founder and former chief executive officer (CEO) of the biotechnology firm Retrophin, and founder and former CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals. Now, he is claiming that if Donald Trump doesnt win the election he is going to destroy the sole copy of Wu-Tang’s Once Upon A Time In Shaolin, which he bought for $2million. He has also threatened to destroy unreleased music from Nirvana and The Beatles. Oct 28, 2016
Dakota pipline protesters show up at Hillary Clintons HQ

Dakota pipline protesters show up at Hillary Clintons HQ

Protesters seeking to block the Dakota Access Pipeline entered Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clintons HQ in New York. Those against the pipeline say its construction encroaches on sacred Native American land and could harm the area’s water supply. Demonstrators at Clinton HQ held a ceremony and spoke out before attempting to deliver a letter to Clinton’s team condemning the pipeline. Oct 28, 2016
Dakota pipline protesters show up at Hillary Clintons HQ

Dakota pipline protesters show up at Hillary Clintons HQ

Protesters seeking to block the Dakota Access Pipeline entered Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clintons HQ in New York. Those against the pipeline say its construction encroaches on sacred Native American land and could harm the area’s water supply. Demonstrators at Clinton HQ held a ceremony and spoke out before attempting to deliver a letter to Clinton’s team condemning the pipeline. Oct 28, 2016
Perth Zoos Puan the orangutan becomes the oldest in captivity

Perth Zoos Puan the orangutan becomes the oldest in captivity

An orangutan at Perth Zoo has been named the worlds oldest Sumatran species in captivity. Female orangutans in the wild do not generally live past 50, but Puan just celebrated her 60th birthday. She was gifted to the zoo in 1968 by the Sultan of Johor, and was the start of the zoos breeding program. Puan is the mother of 11 children and has multiple grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Oct 28, 2016
Islamic State tunnels discovered beneath villages beneath Mosul

Islamic State tunnels discovered beneath villages beneath Mosul

Uncovered by Iraqi Counter Terrorism Service forces in the villages of Bartella and Bazaia, roughly four miles east of Mosul, the tunnels were used as escape routes and meeting points for the jihadists. These network of underpasses suggests the extremists had been increasingly forced to operate below ground by a punishing air campaign and mounting territorial losses. Oct 28, 2016
Islamic State tunnels discovered beneath villages beneath Mosul

Islamic State tunnels discovered beneath villages beneath Mosul

Uncovered by Iraqi Counter Terrorism Service forces in the villages of Bartella and Bazaia, roughly four miles east of Mosul, the tunnels were used as escape routes and meeting points for the jihadists. These network of underpasses suggests the extremists had been increasingly forced to operate below ground by a punishing air campaign and mounting territorial losses. Oct 28, 2016
Worlds largest marine park to be created in Antarctica

Worlds largest marine park to be created in Antarctica

A deal brokered by 24 countries to allow the creation of a massive 600,000 sq mile marine sanctuary in the Antarctic ocean. The sanctuary will cover more than 12% of the Southern Ocean, which is home to more than 10,000 species including most of the worlds penguins, whales, seabirds, colossal squid and Antarctic tooth fish. Oct 28, 2016