
Articles by admin

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Who is Chris Cox?

Who is Chris Cox?

Chris Cox is the chief lobbyist for the NRA. After meeting with Donald Trump and Mike Pence, he claimed the POTUS doesnt want gun control. Mar 2, 2018
Donald Trump asks Congress for broad bill on gun control

Donald Trump asks Congress for broad bill on gun control

US President Donald Trump on March 1, urged a diverse group of lawmakers - some who want more gun restrictions, others averse to gun control - to come up with comprehensive legislation to prevent school shootings following the nation and amp;#39;s most recent massacre. The Republican president, endorsed by the powerful gun lobby National Rifle Association in his 2016 campaign, has been wary of angering voters who oppose any curbs on gun ownership, particularly ahead of the November elections in which his party and amp;#39;s control of Congress will be at stake. Mar 2, 2018
Scientists discover hidden supercolony of 1.5 million penguins

Scientists discover hidden supercolony of 1.5 million penguins

How do a million and a half penguins hide from human knowledge? They hang out on cold Antarctic Islands with the ominous and accurate name of Danger Islands. A new study published in the journal Scientific Reports has documented a supercolony of Adélie penguins never counted before — hosting an astounding 751,527 breeding pairs of penguins, or over a million and a half individuals. Mar 2, 2018
Who is Ján Kuciak, Slovak journalist murdered?

Who is Ján Kuciak, Slovak journalist murdered?

Slovak police detained several suspects in an investigation into the murder of journalist Ján Kuciak. Kuciak And his partner Martina Kusnirova were found shot to death at Kuciaks home on 25 February. Kuciak was investigating the Italian mafias possible ties to the Slovak Government Officials at the time of his murder. Mar 2, 2018
Couples take their AR-15 rifles to Pennsylvania church for blessing

Couples take their AR-15 rifles to Pennsylvania church for blessing

Hundreds of couples toting AR-15 rifles packed a Unification church in Pennsylvania on Wednesday to have their marriages blessed and their weapons celebrated as rods of iron that could have saved lives in a recent Florida school shooting. Women dressed in white and men in dark suits gripped the guns, which they had been urged to bring unloaded to the church in the rural Poconos Mountains, about 160 km (100miles) north of Philadelphia. Mar 1, 2018
What is VAR?

What is VAR?

The world of soccer is attempting to move with the times with the introduction of goal-line technology and VAR. But what is VAR? What competitions is it used in and what decisions can they make? Mar 1, 2018
Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery - First Gameplay Trailer

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery - First Gameplay Trailer

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is the follow-up to developer Niantics smash hit mobile game Pokémon Go, and casts players as new students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Theyll take classes, pick their house and go on adventures in the anticipated titled set for release this spring. Mar 1, 2018
College students heckle Steve Mnuchin

College students heckle Steve Mnuchin

College students at University of California, LA heckled Steve Mnuchin during a talk at the university. The protesters were dragged away by police, and Mnuchin asked students to not share the videos on social media. Mar 1, 2018