
Articles by admin

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Donald Trump tells his supporters Im going to be cheering you on

Donald Trump tells his supporters Im going to be cheering you on

President-elect Donald Trump speaks to the crowd gathered outside of the Lincoln Memorial for his inauguration concert, Thursday (19 January) and tells them he will be cheering them on during inauguration day. Trump is preparing to sign executive actions on his first day in the White House on Friday to take the opening steps to crack down on immigration, build a wall on the U.S.-Mexican border and roll back outgoing President Barack Obamas policies. Jan 20, 2017
Hundreds protest outside alt-right DeploraBall event in Washington DC

Hundreds protest outside alt-right DeploraBall event in Washington DC

Hundreds of activists, protesters and anti-fascist campaigners have demonstrated outside of the alt-right DeploraBall event in Washington DC. The pro-Donald Trump event at the National Press Club took place just one day before the controversial Republican is due to be sworn in as US president. Protesters could be heard chanting no Trump, no KKK, no fascist USA outside the event, as well as heckling attendees of the ball. Jan 20, 2017
Jeremy Corbyn: We will not block Article 50

Jeremy Corbyn: We will not block Article 50

On 19 Janaury, Leader of the Labour party Jeremy Corbyn suggested he will order his MPs not to block Article 50, the mechanism to split the UK for the EU. The statement comes after reports that some Shadow Cabinet ministers were considering voting against invoking Article 50. Corbyn was pressed on whether he would enforce a three-line-whip, which typically instructs MPs to attend the House of Commons and vote on a specific bill, but didnt confirm that the Article 50 vote would be. Jan 19, 2017
Sub-zero Alaskan temperatures instantly freeze water into snow

Sub-zero Alaskan temperatures instantly freeze water into snow

A video taken on the 18 January shows water instantly turning into snow during freezing temperatures at Fort Wainwright, Alaska. Temperatures dropped to around -45 Celsius (-50 degrees Fahrenheit) in several parts of Alaska, and visibility was limited to less than a quarter of a mile in some areas. Jan 19, 2017
Daring duck plays dangerous game of chicken with tiger

Daring duck plays dangerous game of chicken with tiger

A wild duck decided to have an extreme game of chicken at Symbio Wildlife Park, Sydney, on 18 January. The duck decided to play with Jalur, a 126kg male Sumatran tiger, whom seemed pretty determined to catch the bird. The game lasted 10 minutes before Jalur conceded defeat, leaving the duck to bathe in victory in the pool. Jan 19, 2017
It’s a boy! Second rare Asian elephant born in a month at Chester Zoo

It’s a boy! Second rare Asian elephant born in a month at Chester Zoo

A rare Asian elephant male calf was born on 18 January, making it the second to be born within a month at Chester Zoo. The calf arrived to 20-year-old mum, Sithami Hi Way, overnight after a 22-month gestation and a 20-minute labour. Keepers have said that both mum and calf, who is yet to be named, are doing well. Jan 19, 2017
Theresa May warns big business to play by rules as she promotes Britain at Davos 2017

Theresa May warns big business to play by rules as she promotes Britain at Davos 2017

UK Prime Minister Theresa May has said that business must play by the same rules as ordinary, working people whilst speaking at the World Economic Forum on 19 January. Addressing the elite attendees in Davos, Switzerland, May also set out to promote the UK open to business, despite the EU referendum vote and future negotiations. The speech comes just two months before May plans to invoke Article 50, the mechanism to break from the EU, and begin negotiation talks. Jan 19, 2017
Ex-French PM Manuel Valls slapped by teenager on campaign trail

Ex-French PM Manuel Valls slapped by teenager on campaign trail

French Presidential hopeful Manuel Valls was slapped by a teenager on 17 January, whilst meeting people in the town of Lamballe. A young man lightly hit Valls, before his security team wrestled him to the ground and he was subsequently arrested. Polls show that the primary will be a tight race between Valls and leftist former ministers Benoit Hamon and Arnaud Montebourg. Jan 19, 2017
Shocking video shows Brooklyn bus plough into woman

Shocking video shows Brooklyn bus plough into woman

A security camera captured the shocking moment when a Brooklyn woman was knocked down and run over by a school bus while crossing the road on Friday, 13 January.New York Daily News reported that Ayse Ayaz survived the collision on the corner of Nostrand Avenue and Avenue M but was left with a broken leg, collarbone and ribs. Jan 19, 2017
Burning high-rise collapses killing at least 30 firefighters in Iran

Burning high-rise collapses killing at least 30 firefighters in Iran

A major commercial high-rise building in Tehran, Iran, collapsed on 19 January, reportedly killing at least 30 firefighters and injuring at least 38 other people. Fars news agency said 30 firefighters were killed at the Plasco building, after a severe fire engulfed it. According to reports, the building was used by garment manufacturers and businesses. Jan 19, 2017
What you need to know about Donald Trumps inauguration

What you need to know about Donald Trumps inauguration

On 20 January 2017, Donald Trump will be sworn in as the 45th president of the United States of America. Ahead of this historic, and controversial, day, IBTimes UK looks at the facts and figures behind the inauguration. Jan 19, 2017
Italy: Up to 30 dead in luxury hotel destroyed by avalanche

Italy: Up to 30 dead in luxury hotel destroyed by avalanche

Up to 30 people were known to be in the luxury resort Hotel Rigopiano in the town of Farindola on the Gran Sasso mountain in the central Abruzzo region when the earthquake struck on 18 January. On its website, Italian news agency Ansa quoted the head of a rescue squad that reached the hotel as saying there are many dead. Jan 19, 2017
Outgoing President Barack Obama says contructive US-Russia relations are in the worlds interest

Outgoing President Barack Obama says contructive US-Russia relations are in the worlds interest

President Barack Obama said on Wednesday 19 December it is in the worlds interest for the United States and Russia to have a constructive relationship, but Russias return to an adversarial spirit under President Vladimir Putin made that difficult. I think that it is in Americas interest, in the worlds interest, that we have a constructive relationship with Russia, Obama said in a news conference on Wednesday (January 18) two days before handing over the presidency to Donald Trump. Obama also stressed sanctions on Russia were because of encroachments on Ukraines sovereignty and independence. Jan 19, 2017
Outgoing President Barack Obama says Chelsea Manning served a tough prison sentence

Outgoing President Barack Obama says Chelsea Manning served a tough prison sentence

President Barack Obama said on Wednesday 18 January that former intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning had served a tough prison term and his decision to commute her 35-year sentence to about seven years served would not signal leniency toward leakers of US government secrets.Obama told his final news conference as president that he felt it made sense to commute Mannings sentence because she went to trial and took responsibility for her crime. Manning gave classified information to anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks in 2010. She received a very disproportionate sentence relative to what other leakers had received, Obama said, adding that he felt very comfortable that justice has been served. Jan 19, 2017
What does Donald Trump's transition period indicate about his presidency?

What does Donald Trump’s transition period indicate about his presidency?

Since his surprise election win on 8 November 2016, Donald Trump has been busy preparing for life as US president. Ahead of his inauguration on 20 January, IBTimes UK spoke to Professor Michael Cornfield from George Washington University in Washington DC about the transition period and what it indicates about the next four years of Trumps presidency. Jan 19, 2017