
Articles by admin

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Alt-right vs Netflix: Why Donald Trump supporters are boycotting the streaming service

Alt-right vs Netflix: Why Donald Trump supporters are boycotting the streaming service

A number of Twitter users have vowed to cancel their Netflix subscription, after the streaming service uploaded a trailer for their new series Dear White People. Alt-right figures including Baked Alaksa (aka Tim Treadstone) and former KKK leader David Duke have tweeted against the service using the hashtag #NoNetflix.Treadstone claimed that the series “promotes white genocide” and posted a picture of his cancelled membership. Hundreds more have since vowed to cancel their subscription as well. ok Feb 10, 2017
London Tube racist tirade shared on Twitter in bid to find offender

London Tube racist tirade shared on Twitter in bid to find offender

A video is being shared on Twitter to try to find the perpetrator of racist abuse on the London underground on 10 February. The aggressive man can be heard saying that he doesn’t like the other passenger’s family, and repeatedly telling him to “f** off”. Bonnie Cliff who shared the video said he was hurling racist abuse at a fellow passenger. He told the victim to “go back to his own country”, calling him “foreign scum”. Feb 10, 2017
Climate change scientists alienated by Trump offered open door in France

Climate change scientists alienated by Trump offered open door in France

French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron has repeated his 4 February invitation for US scientists affected by President Donald Trump’s stance on climate change to relocate to France. Macron, the candidate for En Marche!, who describes himself as neither right- nor left-wing, said in the clip that the message was for, “American researchers, entrepreneurs, engineers, working on climate change,” and that they were welcome in France. Feb 10, 2017
Marine Le Pen: The division between left and right is an illusion

Marine Le Pen: The division between left and right is an illusion

Speaking on BBC Twos documentary After Brexit: The Battle For Europe on 9 February, National Front president Marine Le Pen called the right and left of politics an illusion. The controversial populist presidential hopeful claimed that real division was between globalists and patriots. Le Pen also addressed the issue of the National Front being seen as racist, saying that those critics no longer exist in France and it is only people outside of France that hold that opinion. Feb 10, 2017
England coach Eddie Jones jokes Welsh secret weapons are daffodils and goats

England coach Eddie Jones jokes Welsh secret weapons are daffodils and goats

England Rugby union coach Eddie Jones made a strange reference to goats and daffodils as Wales secret weapons ahead of the two countries Six Nations clash in Cardiff on 11 February. Jones also went on to say that England were prepared for any shenanigans from Wales, as England try to make it 16 successive wins in a row. Feb 10, 2017
Rare blue jet lightning captured in amazing detail

Rare blue jet lightning captured in amazing detail

For years, their existence has been debated: elusive electrical discharges in the upper atmosphere that sport names such as red sprites, blue jets, pixies and elves. Reported by pilots, they are difficult to study as they occur above thunderstorms.ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen during his mission on the International Space Station in 2015 was asked to take pictures over thunderstorms with the most sensitive camera on the orbiting outpost to look for these brief features.Denmark’s National Space Institute has now published the results, confirming many kilometre-wide blue flashes around 18 km altitude, including a pulsating blue jet reaching 40 km. A video recorded by Andreas as he flew over the Bay of Bengal at 28 800 km/h on the Station shows the electrical phenomena clearly – a first of its kind. Feb 10, 2017
Donald Trump calls travel ban court ruling a political decision

Donald Trump calls travel ban court ruling a political decision

US President Donald Trump suffered a legal blow on 9 January when a federal appeals court refused to reinstate a temporary travel ban he had ordered on people from seven Muslim-majority countries. A three-judge panel of the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously ruled that the Trump administration failed to offer any evidence that national security concerns justified immediately restoring the ban, which was launched late last month. Shortly after the court issued its 29-page ruling, Trump tweeted: SEE YOU IN COURT, THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE! He told reporters his administration ultimately would win the case and dismissed the ruling as political”. The court was only ruling on the narrow issue of whether or not to lift an emergency halt to Trumps order put in place by a lower court while that case is ongoing. The judges said more briefing would be needed on the merits of the arguments on both sides. Feb 10, 2017
State attorney Bob Ferguson: Court ruling on Trump travel ban lawsuit is a victory

State attorney Bob Ferguson: Court ruling on Trump travel ban lawsuit is a victory

A federal appeals court unanimously refused to reinstate President Donald Trumps travel ban on refugees and travellers from seven Muslim-majority countries on Thursday (9 February). The decision is likely to be appealed in the US Supreme Court, where it could face a 4-4 tie among justices. Trump quickly lashed out on the decision by the 9th Circuit Courts of Appeals. SEE YOU IN COURT, THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE! he tweeted. Feb 10, 2017
Mass brawl breaks out in South African Parliament

Mass brawl breaks out in South African Parliament

South African lawmakers threw punches during the annual State of the Nation address delivered by President Jacob Zuma on Thursday (9 February) after he was branded an incorrigible man and “rotten to the core” over corruption allegations. The scenes, which unfolded on national television, saw lawmakers from the far-left Economic Freedom Fighters party hauled out of the chamber. Zuma has seen off five bids to oust him since he took office in 2009. Feb 10, 2017
‘Baton rape’ of black man in police custody sparks protests in French cities

‘Baton rape’ of black man in police custody sparks protests in French cities

Protesters in three French cities demanded justice for Theo, a young black man who was allegedly raped with a baton while in police custody in the Paris suburb of Aulnay-sous-Bois. At least 250 people congregated in the French capital, near the underground station of Ménilmontant, on 8 February, for second consecutive night. Between 300-400 people participated at a solidarity rally in Nantes, and another 200 demonstrated in Rennes. Protesters showed anger at the police, chanting: We all hate the police and leaving Cops, rapists, murders written on the walls, as the newspaper Le Parisien reported. Feb 9, 2017
How to make the perfect Italian pizza

How to make the perfect Italian pizza

Making the perfect Italian pizza takes practice, real Italian ingredients and usually, a big pizza oven. IBTimes UK visited Naples’ Lantica Pizzeria da Michele in Stoke Newington, London, to get their top pizza-making tips for a traditional tomato topped base, or ‘marinara’. Feb 9, 2017
Women’s most ‘appealing’ dance moves identified

Women’s most ‘appealing’ dance moves identified

Scientists have discovered that women with greater hip swing and asymmetric thighs and arms movements are viewed as better dancers. These findings may help shed a light on dances role in human courtship and partner selection. Hip swing might be an emphatically feminine trait. The ability to move limbs in an asymmetrical manner, independently of each other, may attest to well-developed motor control. These traits may suggest potential fertility and point towards a female partner who may provide direct and indirect reproductive benefits. Feb 9, 2017
Somalia’s new President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed sworn-in

Somalia’s new President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed sworn-in

Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed, a dual US-Somali citizen and former prime minister, was sworn in as Somalias new president on 8 February. The voting process, which lasted months, began with 14,000 elders and regional figures choosing 275 members of parliament and 54 senators, who then had to choose a president from among 21 candidates. Feb 9, 2017
Cop gets called to a ‘fight’ and finds himself in an incredible dance-off

Cop gets called to a ‘fight’ and finds himself in an incredible dance-off

A police officer in downtown Oshawa, Ontario, was called to the scene of what a passer-by thought was a fight. However, it turned out to be a dance crew recording a video.The University of Ontario’s dance team was in the middle of filming its latest video, when Constable Jarrod Singh of the Durham Regional Police Service was sent to investigate. When he realized that there was in fact no fight and only funk, Singh broke out some killer moves of his own. “I saw eight people gathered around one person, so I can see how a member of the public thought it was a fight,” Singh told CBC News Canada. “But when I got closer I could see he was break dancing in the middle and there was someone filming it.” Feb 9, 2017
Jeff Sessions confirmed as Trumps Attorney General

Jeff Sessions confirmed as Trumps Attorney General

Republican Senator Jeff Sessions bids farewell to the US Senate after he is voted 52-47 to serve as the next attorney general of the US. The Alabama senator is known for his tough stance on immigration enforcement and his early support of President Donald Trump who nominated him for the job. Republican senators voted on 7 February to end Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warrens reading of a letter written 30 years ago by Martin Luther King Jrs widow that criticized Sessions, still nominee at the time to lead the Justice Department, for his civil rights record. Feb 9, 2017
Sadiq Khan promises to fight for London and pokes fun at Donald Trump

Sadiq Khan promises to fight for London and pokes fun at Donald Trump

At a gathering of London businesses at the London Transport Museum on 8 February, London Mayor Sadiq Khan poked fun at US President Donald Trump and the use of alternative facts. Khan also joked about the attendance of the gathering, referencing the Trump administration claims that up to 1.5 million people were at his inauguration, when actually there were far fewer. The speech also had a serious tone as well, as the London Mayor promised to fight for businesses in London so that they can still have access to the Single Market and the best talent from around the world. Feb 9, 2017