
Articles by admin

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Why is Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari still in the UK?

Why is Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari still in the UK?

Buhari first left Nigeria on 20 January to undergo medical treatment, and was expected to return on 6 February. However, he prolonged his stay, and as of 21 February, remains in London. This has led to rumours about Buharis health, forcing the Nigerian presidency to deny that the 74-year-old is seriously ill or even dead. Feb 21, 2017
Brave waiter drags flailing monitor lizard from restaurant

Brave waiter drags flailing monitor lizard from restaurant

Diners enjoying Sunday lunch at a restaurant on New South Wales’ South Coast got a bit of a shock when a waiter dragged a struggling monitor lizard out among their tables towards the door. Also known as a goanna, the monitor lizard is a carnivore that typically eats small animals, insects or eggs. Feb 21, 2017
Lauri Love: Hacker facing 99 years in US prison opens up about extradition nightmare

Lauri Love: Hacker facing 99 years in US prison opens up about extradition nightmare

Alleged computer hacker Lauri Love speaks to IBTimes UK about his ongoing extradition battles with the US government, which has accused him of attempting to infiltrate the computer networks of numerous federal agencies including the FBI, Department of Defense and Nasa. We met up at The Occupation, a squat based in a seemingly affluent area of London, just around the corner from Buckingham Palace. Feb 21, 2017
Syrian White Helmets miraculously rescue young girl from Damascus rubble

Syrian White Helmets miraculously rescue young girl from Damascus rubble

Dramatic footage from the Syrian Civil Defence, aka the White Helmets, has been released, showing their volunteers finding an young child buried alive underneath the rubble of a building in Damascus. The girl was discovered on 19 February in the Tishreen area of the city, a rebel-held neighbourhood. Feb 21, 2017
Heterosexual couple lose right to civil partnership in discrimination appeal

Heterosexual couple lose right to civil partnership in discrimination appeal

Rebecca Steinfeld and Charles Keidan took their case to the Court of Appeal to overturn a decision which blocked them from entering into a civil partnership instead of marriage. Civil partnerships between same sex couples have been legal since 2004, but are not permitted between different sex couples in the UK apart from on the Isle of Man. Feb 21, 2017
Suicide bombers attack Pakistan court killing at least five

Suicide bombers attack Pakistan court killing at least five

Suicide bombers attacked a court complex in Pakistan on 21 February, killing at least five people, officials said. A spokesman for the Pakistani Talibans Jamaat-ul-Ahrar faction claimed responsibility for the attack in the northwestern town of Charsadda. A string of bombings in Pakistan over the past 10 days has killed more than 100 people. Feb 21, 2017
Not My President Day’ protesters rally in US

Not My President Day’ protesters rally in US

Critics of President Donald Trump held signs calling him a mockery and demanding his impeachment in Washington D.C. on 20 February. Marching in the US capital, hundreds protested against Trump on the Presidents Day Holiday. Feb 21, 2017
Hollywood vs Trump: Celebs use award show speeches to slam US president

Hollywood vs Trump: Celebs use award show speeches to slam US president

Since US president Donald Trump was elected in November 2016, many Hollywood celebrities have made no secret of their dislike for the controversial Republican. High profile actors ranging from Meryl Streep to Ashton Kutcher have used award ceremonies such as the Golden Globes and the SAG Awards as their platform to slam the new administration. Ahead of the Oscars on 26 February, arguably the biggest awards show of all, IBTimes UK has rounded up some of the most famous and passionate rants against Trump since he took office. Feb 21, 2017
HSBC profits dramatically fall by 62%

HSBC profits dramatically fall by 62%

Europes largest bank posted HSBC’s profits have slumped by 62% in a year, blaming significant and largely unexpected economic and political events. The bank posted an annual pre-tax profit of $7.1bn (£5.7bn, €6.7bn), far lower than the $18.9bn (€17.8bn, £15bn) it reported a year ago. Feb 21, 2017
Thousands to join One Day Without Us protests across UK

Thousands to join One Day Without Us protests across UK

Tens of thousands of migrant workers and supporters are staging a national day of Action on 20 February as part of the One Day Without US campaign. The day of action arrived after MPs voted against guaranteeing EU citizens the right to sat in the UK post-Brexit. The events held across the Britain are aiming to highlight the economic, cultural or social contribution of migrants. Feb 20, 2017