
Articles by admin

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Dozens arrested at anti-corruption protests in Russia

Dozens arrested at anti-corruption protests in Russia

Dozens have been arrested at anti-corruption protests across Russia. Protesters in Moscow, Novosibirsk and Vladivostok amongst others demanded the resignation of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny was arrested during a protest in central Moscow. The Kremlin called the protests illegal and riot police attempted to disperse protesters. Mar 26, 2017
One dead as gunman opens fire at Cincinnati nightclub

One dead as gunman opens fire at Cincinnati nightclub

At least one gunman has killed one person and injured 14 others in a shooting. The attack took place at around 1am at Cameo nightclub in Cincinnati. The shooter or shooters have not been captured or identified yet. Police are interviewing witnesses, but many fled in the chaos of the attack. Mar 26, 2017
Hong Kong escalator reverses without warning, sending shoppers tumbling

Hong Kong escalator reverses without warning, sending shoppers tumbling

An escalator accident has injured at least 18 people at a shopping mall. The escalator at Langham Place suddenly reversed and sped up. Dozens fell over and tumbled down the escalator.One man suffered a serious head injury. The escalator was only recently inspected and the cause of the accident is unknown. Mar 26, 2017
Police officer tries to capture escaped cow and fails

Police officer tries to capture escaped cow and fails

A Texan police officer narrowly avoided being run over. Officers were called to round up a cow that had escaped from a vet.Initially, shepherding the animal with the police car appeared to be successful until it suddenly charged towards the closing gate. Mar 26, 2017
Sewol disaster ferry fully lifted from sea

Sewol disaster ferry fully lifted from sea

Salvaging the sunken South Korean ferry Sewol continues. The boat was successfully loaded onto a semi-submersible vessel. It has been recovered from a depth of 44 metres.The ferry will now be taken to Mokpo port for inspection. More than 300 people were killed on 16 April 2014, when the Sewol ferry capsized. Mar 26, 2017
Sewol disaster ferry fully lifted from sea

Sewol disaster ferry fully lifted from sea

Salvaging the sunken South Korean ferry Sewol continues. The boat was successfully loaded onto a semi-submersible vessel. It has been recovered from a depth of 44 metres.The ferry will now be taken to Mokpo port for inspection. More than 300 people were killed on 16 April 2014, when the Sewol ferry capsized. Mar 26, 2017
Las Vegas strip closed as gunman opens fire on bus

Las Vegas strip closed as gunman opens fire on bus

An incident on top of a Las Vegas bus has been resolved by police. A man in his 50s reportedly suddenly started shooting at other passengers. One person was killed and another was injured.Police officers were finally able to storm the bus after a four-hour stand-off. They believe the suspect may have mental health issues. Mar 26, 2017
Cities across the world switch lights off for Earth Hour

Cities across the world switch lights off for Earth Hour

Buildings all over the world had their lighting switched off for an hour on 25 March. Earth Hour aims to increase awareness of climate change and efficient energy use. The event is in its 10th year and was started by the World Wildlife Fund. 7,000 cities across 172 countries participated, including Sydney, Paris, Dubai and Shanghai. Mar 26, 2017
Man stabbed by Westminster attacker Khalid Masood 15 years ago speaks out

Man stabbed by Westminster attacker Khalid Masood 15 years ago speaks out

A stabbing victim of Westminster attacker Khalid Masood has spoken out. Danny Smith was stabbed by Masood, then known as Adrian Elms, in 2003 after an argument. Elms was later acquitted from a charge of attempted murder by a jury. Smith believes Masood should have been sent to prison for the attack. Mar 26, 2017
Man stabbed by Westminster attacker Khalid Masood 15 years ago speaks out

Man stabbed by Westminster attacker Khalid Masood 15 years ago speaks out

A stabbing victim of Westminster attacker Khalid Masood has spoken out. Danny Smith was stabbed by Masood, then known as Adrian Elms, in 2003 after an argument. Elms was later acquitted from a charge of attempted murder by a jury. Smith believes Masood should have been sent to prison for the attack. Mar 26, 2017
Carrie Lam is Hong Kongs first female chief executive

Carrie Lam is Hong Kongs first female chief executive

China-backed Carrie Lam has become Hong Kong’s first female chief executive. The 59-year-old was elected by the Election Committee with 777 out of 1,194 votes. The committee consists largely of Beijing loyalists and Lam is considered fiercely pro-Beijing.Protesters outside the polling site called the election a sham since almost none of Hong Kongs 7.3 million voters had a right to vote.Lam’s win is likely an attempt to smooth relations between the Mainland and the city. Mar 26, 2017
Iraqi forces pause advance in Mosul due to civilian casualties concern

Iraqi forces pause advance in Mosul due to civilian casualties concern

Iraqi government forces paused the recapture western Mosul from Isis militants because of a high rate of civilian casualties, according to a security forces spokesman. Escaping residents reported Iraqi and US-led coalition air strikes in the area that killed numerous civilians. The insurgents have also used civilians as human shields and opened fire on them as they tried to escape Isis-held neighbourhoods. The US-backed offensive to drive Isis out of Mosul, now in its sixth month, has recaptured most of the city. The entire eastern side and about half of the west are under Iraqi control. Mar 26, 2017
Iraqi forces pause advance in Mosul due to civilian casualties concern

Iraqi forces pause advance in Mosul due to civilian casualties concern

Iraqi government forces paused the recapture western Mosul from Isis militants because of a high rate of civilian casualties, according to a security forces spokesman. Escaping residents reported Iraqi and US-led coalition air strikes in the area that killed numerous civilians. The insurgents have also used civilians as human shields and opened fire on them as they tried to escape Isis-held neighbourhoods. The US-backed offensive to drive Isis out of Mosul, now in its sixth month, has recaptured most of the city. The entire eastern side and about half of the west are under Iraqi control. Mar 26, 2017
CCTV shows teenager saving friends life with Heimlich manoeuvre

CCTV shows teenager saving friends life with Heimlich manoeuvre

A teenager saved his friend’s life by performing the Heimlich manoeuvre. Freshmen Ian Brown and Will Olson were having lunch together at school when Will started choking.Other students thought he was joking, but Ian recognised the danger Will was in. He rescued Will with the first aid move learnt on a course for teens interested in police work. Mar 25, 2017
Sydney Harbour Bridge lights switched off for Earth Hour

Sydney Harbour Bridge lights switched off for Earth Hour

The lights of the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Sydney Opera House were switched off for Earth Hour for the 10th year in a row. Electric lights in 7,000 cities across 172 countries will be turned off to focus public attention on the issue of climate change and to save a few megawatts in the process. The initiative began in Australia in 2007 as a grassroots gesture by the World Wildlife Fund. Mar 25, 2017
Thousands march through London in Anti-Brexit protest

Thousands march through London in Anti-Brexit protest

Campaigner are marching through London to protest the UK’s Brexit decision. The United for Europe march coincides with the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome.Protesters march from Park Lane to the Palace of Westminster, location of the recent terror attack. Some protesters were carrying yellow flowers to commemorate the attack’s victims.Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron, Nick Clegg, David Lammy and Jonathan Bartley are attending the march. Prime Minister Theresa May is expected to trigger Article 50 on 29 March to begin the exit process. Mar 25, 2017
CCTV footage shows Putin critic Denis Voronenkov being shot dead

CCTV footage shows Putin critic Denis Voronenkov being shot dead

CCTV footage shows the murder of former parliamentarian Denis Voronenkov in Kiev. Voronenkov was shot dead by an unidentified assailant on 23 March. The shooter later died after being shot by Voronenkovs bodyguard.Voronenkov was a key witness in a treason case against Ukraines pro-Russia former president Viktor Yanukovych. The Ukraine has accused Russia of being responsible for the killing. Ukraines President Poroshenko called the murder an act of state terrorism on the part of Russia. Mar 25, 2017
EU leaders celebrate 60th birthday of European Union in Rome

EU leaders celebrate 60th birthday of European Union in Rome

EU leaders of 27 countries have gathered in Rome to celebrate the EU’s 60th birthday. The anniversary ceremony excludes the UK, because of its vote in support of Brexit. Security measures have been increased following the terror attack in London. The Treaty of Rome was signed in 1957, establishing the European Economic Community. It was signed by Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and West Germany. Mar 25, 2017
Trump praises Paul Ryan for hard work on failed Obamacare vote

Trump praises Paul Ryan for hard work on failed Obamacare vote

The House of Representatives cancelled the vote on the bill to repeal Obamacare after failing to gather support within the GOP for it to pass. US President Donald Trump blamed the Democrats for the bills failure - despite the fact that his own party controls both the House and the Senate. Mar 25, 2017
Trump praises Paul Ryan for hard work on failed Obamacare vote

Trump praises Paul Ryan for hard work on failed Obamacare vote

The House of Representatives cancelled the vote on the bill to repeal Obamacare after failing to gather support within the GOP for it to pass. US President Donald Trump blamed the Democrats for the bills failure - despite the fact that his own party controls both the House and the Senate. Mar 25, 2017