
Articles by admin

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Terrorist attack on Mali resort leaves two dead

Terrorist attack on Mali resort leaves two dead

A suspected terrorist attack in Mali left two civilians dead Sunday evening. The assault on a popular tourist resort came days after the US Embassy issued a travel warning in Mali. Gunmen stormed Le Campement Kangaba resort, east of the capital Bamako, and briefly seized hostages before Malian Special Forces intervened. Malis government took five suspected jihadists into custody. Jun 20, 2017
Terrorist attack on Mali resort leaves two dead

Terrorist attack on Mali resort leaves two dead

A suspected terrorist attack in Mali left two civilians dead Sunday evening. The assault on a popular tourist resort came days after the US Embassy issued a travel warning in Mali. Gunmen stormed Le Campement Kangaba resort, east of the capital Bamako, and briefly seized hostages before Malian Special Forces intervened. Malis government took five suspected jihadists into custody. Jun 20, 2017
Wildbeest drownings fuel the Mara River ecosystem

Wildbeest drownings fuel the Mara River ecosystem

Each year, more than a million wildebeest migrate through Africas Serengeti Mara Ecosystem, and while crossing the Kenyan reach of the Mara River, thousands drown. On average, 6,200 wildebeest succumb each year during migration. It might seem tragic, but these drownings are essential to the ecology of the river, since they deliver terrestrial nitrogen, phosphorus, and carbon to the rivers food web. Fish and scavengers feast on soft tissues, while wildebeest bones release nutrients into the system,feeding algae and influencing the food web. Jun 20, 2017
Otto Warmbier dies: Trump denounces North Korea as a brutal regime

Otto Warmbier dies: Trump denounces North Korea as a brutal regime

The family of Otto Warmbier announced on Monday (19 June) that the American student who was recently freed from detention in North Korea, died. The 22-year-old University of Virginia student had been in a coma since he returned from Pyongyang, where he was held for 17 months.US President Donald Trump denounced North Korea as a brutal regime following the death of Warmbier.Warmbier traveled to the reclusive state as a tourist in January 2016 and as he was leaving, he was arrested for allegedly stealing a political propaganda sign from a hotel in Pyongyang. He was sentenced to 15 years in prison with hard labour after a televised tearful public confession. Jun 20, 2017
Florida homeowner armed with a machete chases gun toting burglars out of his garden

Florida homeowner armed with a machete chases gun toting burglars out of his garden

A number of armed burglars attempted to burgle a house in Sarasota, Florida on 15 June, but were chased from the property by the machete-wielding homeowner. CCTV footage shows the burglars, armed with shotgun, machete and a crowbar, attempt to rob the victim in his backyard. He is then seen rushing inside the house, before emerging with a machete of his own. He then chases most of the burglars away, as well as disarming and fighting another. Jun 19, 2017
Florida homeowner armed with a machete chases gun toting burglars out of his garden

Florida homeowner armed with a machete chases gun toting burglars out of his garden

A number of armed burglars attempted to burgle a house in Sarasota, Florida on 15 June, but were chased from the property by the machete-wielding homeowner. CCTV footage shows the burglars, armed with shotgun, machete and a crowbar, attempt to rob the victim in his backyard. He is then seen rushing inside the house, before emerging with a machete of his own. He then chases most of the burglars away, as well as disarming and fighting another. Jun 19, 2017
UberBOAT setup in Croatia for island hoppers

UberBOAT setup in Croatia for island hoppers

Uber will introduce boat services for the Croatian islands from 26 June, allowing customers to hail a boat from the regular Uber app. UberBOAT will only be available as a point to point drop off from four locations, but an expansion of the service is under consideration for similar island-hopper locations such as Greece, Italy and Turkey. Jun 19, 2017
Man wanted for assault after driving away with police officer on his bonnet

Man wanted for assault after driving away with police officer on his bonnet

Merton Police urgently want to speak with Sean Clarke-Arrindell in connection with a serious assault of a police officer on Tuesday, June 13.While officers tried to apprehend Clarke-Arrindell in a Waitrose Car park in Wimbledon, he drove off at speed with an officer holding onto the cars bonnet.The officer was then thrown from the car as it made off. The officer is now recovering from the minor injuries sustained. Jun 19, 2017
Man attacks police with metal gate near Paddington station

Man attacks police with metal gate near Paddington station

A man was arrested on 19 June, after allegedly attacking police officers near Paddington Station, London. An officer speaking in this video describes the suspect as having tried to hit him and a colleague with part of a metal gate.British Transport Police said the man was being held for possession [of] an offensive weapon. They said the incident was not being treated as terror-related. Jun 19, 2017
Theresa May on mosque attack: Hatred and evil of this kind will never succeed

Theresa May on mosque attack: Hatred and evil of this kind will never succeed

UK Prime Minister Theresa May has reiterated her message to the public that terrorism must not divide the country, as she spoke outside of Number 10 on 19 June. May was addressing the media in the wake of an attack by a man driving a van who rammed into worshippers near a mosque in Finsbury Park in North London. Jun 19, 2017
Theresa May on mosque attack: Hatred and evil of this kind will never succeed

Theresa May on mosque attack: Hatred and evil of this kind will never succeed

UK Prime Minister Theresa May has reiterated her message to the public that terrorism must not divide the country, as she spoke outside of Number 10 on 19 June. May was addressing the media in the wake of an attack by a man driving a van who rammed into worshippers near a mosque in Finsbury Park in North London. Jun 19, 2017
Theresa May on mosque attack: Hatred and evil of this kind will never succeed

Theresa May on mosque attack: Hatred and evil of this kind will never succeed

UK Prime Minister Theresa May has reiterated her message to the public that terrorism must not divide the country, as she spoke outside of Number 10 on 19 June. May was addressing the media in the wake of an attack by a man driving a van who rammed into worshippers near a mosque in Finsbury Park in North London. Jun 19, 2017
Theresa May on mosque attack: Hatred and evil of this kind will never succeed

Theresa May on mosque attack: Hatred and evil of this kind will never succeed

UK Prime Minister Theresa May has reiterated her message to the public that terrorism must not divide the country, as she spoke outside of Number 10 on 19 June. May was addressing the media in the wake of an attack by a man driving a van who rammed into worshippers near a mosque in Finsbury Park in North London. Jun 19, 2017