
Articles by admin

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Plague: Fleas in Two Arizona Counties are Carrying Bubonic Plague

Plague: Fleas in Two Arizona Counties are Carrying Bubonic Plague

Fleas in two Arizona counties are carrying bubonic plague, an infectious disease that took the lives of millions of people in the Middle Ages, according to news reports. Health officials in Navajo and Coconino counties in Arizona recently issued a warning to the general public after fleas in the northern part of the state tested positive for Yersinia pestis, the bacteria that causes the bubonic plague. Humans can contract the plague in a number of ways. In addition to flea bites people can pick up the bacteria by handling the fluids or tissue of a rodent or another animal that has the illness. The plague can also be transmitted through bodily fluids such as respiratory droplets. So far there have been no reported illness or deaths.  Aug 15, 2017
What is Antifa? Anti-fascism protesters and white power groups were battling long before Charlottesville

What is Antifa? Anti-fascism protesters and white power groups were battling long before Charlottesville

Groups such as Anti-Racist Action, Showing Up for Racial Justice and Black Lives Matter arrived in Charlottesville in force against the crowds of white neo-Nazis waving Confederate flags at the Unite the Right event.It is unclear who or how many people are organising the Antifa movement.The secretive U.S. effort has been traced to militant leftist movements in Germany, Italy and Spain before World War II. Since the rise of President Donald Trump, who has openly attracted neo-Nazi supporters, Antifa protesters have been linked to violent protests against the far-right. During Trumps inauguration, for example, police arrested more than 200 people after protesters dressed in black smashed local windows, set cars on fire and attacked law enforcement officials on the streets of Washington, D.C. Aug 15, 2017
Hundreds Dead In Sierra Leone Mudslide

Hundreds Dead In Sierra Leone Mudslide

Hundreds Dead in Sierra Leone Mudslide. Others remain trapped after a hillside in the region collapsed following heavy rains. The death toll is not yet known, but the countrys Vice-President said it was likely that hundreds are lying dead. Aug 15, 2017
North Korea: Kim Jong-un briefed on plan to fire missiles near Guam

North Korea: Kim Jong-un briefed on plan to fire missiles near Guam

North Koreas state-run television KRT on Tuesday (15 August) released still photographs of its leader Kim Jong-un visiting the command of the strategic force of his army to review the rogue nations plan to fire four missiles to strike US Pacific territory of Guam. However, KRT also said that Kim has put on hold his plans to attack Guam to watch the US actions a bit longer. Aug 15, 2017
Mum desperately rescues baby as pram rolls on to train tracks

Mum desperately rescues baby as pram rolls on to train tracks

CCTV footage shows a woman jump on to railway tracks to rescue her baby when her pram rolled off the platform. The woman was distracted from her baby by another child who was stuck in a lift on the platform of West Ryde Train Station in New South Wales, Australia. Aug 14, 2017
Gang use huge digger to steal ATM from wall

Gang use huge digger to steal ATM from wall

The Derbyshire police have released CCTV footage of a gang using a large digger to smash into a wall and steal an ATM. The gang undertook the audacious theft on August 3 in Hatton, U.K. Aug 14, 2017
Dozens protest outside Cameroonian embassy in London amid ongoing unrest

Dozens protest outside Cameroonian embassy in London amid ongoing unrest

Protesters gathered outside the embassy on 13 August, as tensions continue to rise in Cameroon over perceived marginalisation in the English-speaking regions of the country. Lawyers, teachers and students in the Southwest and Northwest provinces have been striking since October 2016 over the issue. The Cameroonian government has come under criticism for its handling of the protests, with dozens arrested and fears that some people may have been killed during rallies. Aug 14, 2017
Unite the Right organiser chased away by angry crowds in Charlottesville

Unite the Right organiser chased away by angry crowds in Charlottesville

Jason Kessler, the organizer behind the Unite the Right marches in Charlottesville, has been chased out of his own press conference by angry protesters. Kessler was addressing the press on 13 August, when crowds stormed the conference, forcing him to flee with police protection. The far-right marches led to violence across Charlottlesville over the weekend, leaving one counter protester dead after a car ploughed into demonstrators. Aug 14, 2017