
Articles by admin

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Nasa finds hole over ozone at its smallest since 1988

Nasa finds hole over ozone at its smallest since 1988

The hole in the ozone layer is at its smallest since 1988 and warmer climates could be the reason behind reduced depletion of the protective layer in the Earths atmosphere. In spite of this recovery, Nasa mentions that there is enough ozone depleting material in the atmosphere to cause significant damage. That is why the current hole, though small by records, is actually large by 1980s standards. Nov 3, 2017
The deep gender divide in Hollywood

The deep gender divide in Hollywood

The sexual harassment allegations against Harvey Weinstein and others in Hollywood are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes sexism in the film industry. These startling statistics show that the disparity between gender is deep, engrained and seen little change in recent years.  Nov 3, 2017
Nasa: Ingredients for life at Saturns moon Enceladus

Nasa: Ingredients for life at Saturns moon Enceladus

Nasas Cassini spacecraft discovered hydrogen in the plume of gas and icy particles spraying from Saturns moon Enceladus. The discovery means the small, icy moon — which has a global ocean under its surface — has a source of chemical energy that could be useful for microbes, if any exist there. Nov 3, 2017
Trump is so pleased with tax reform plan, he kisses it

Trump is so pleased with tax reform plan, he kisses it

US President Donald Trump welcomed House Speaker Paul Ryan and the other authors of the Republican plan to reform Americas tax code to the White House on 2 November. They had just crafted a near top-to-bottom overhaul of the tax code, which Trump says will generate trillions of dollars into the US Treasury and spur businesses across the nation to hire new workers. Trump marveled at the Republican claim that many Americans will now file their taxes using a one-page document. He was so pleased, he kissed a mock-up example of the new tax form. Nov 3, 2017
Sonys new Aibo robot dog is the cutest in AI technology

Sonys new Aibo robot dog is the cutest in AI technology

Sonys Aibo robo-dog is now more lifelike than ever. After more than a decade away, Sony has bred an even cuter and more sophisticated robot dog: Aibo. The pet robot dog uses artificial intelligence to interact with its human owner.  It can wag its tail and play tricks like fetch or high-five. Nov 3, 2017
Nasa plans return to moon with Orion spacecraft

Nasa plans return to moon with Orion spacecraft

In 2019 Nasa plans to launch the first test of the Space Launch System and the new Orion spacecraft as part of Nasas plans to send people to the Moon, Mars, and beyond. A human test mission is scheduled for 2023. Nov 3, 2017
President Trump nominates Jerome Powell to lead the US Federal Reserve

President Trump nominates Jerome Powell to lead the US Federal Reserve

If he is confirmed by the Senate, Jay will put his considerable talents and experience to work leading our nations independent central bank, which has the critical responsibility to set monetary policy and monitor our banking system as a whole, Trump said, introducing Powell.  Nov 3, 2017
Who is new U.K. Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson?

Who is new U.K. Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson?

U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May has appointed Gavin Williamson as the new Defence Secretary following the resignation of Michael Fallon. Williamson was previously Chief Whip, and has been replaced by Julian Smith. Nov 2, 2017
New species of Great Ape discovered

New species of Great Ape discovered

Researchers at the University of Zurich have discovered a new species of orangutan. The news species, Pongo tapanuliensis (Tapanuli orangutan), live in remote areas of rainforest in Batang Toru,  on the Indonesian island of Sumatra. It was previously thought there were only two orangutan species. There are only 800 of these great apes remaining, making them the ape species with the highest risk of extinction. Nov 2, 2017
Man captures cat-eating python using just his hands

Man captures cat-eating python using just his hands

A Burmese Python is reported to have eaten a local residents cat in rural Hong Kong.The video shows a snake catcher capturing the the deadly snake with just his hands.The Python was taken away for care before being released back into the wild. Nov 2, 2017
Indonesias dog meat trade exposed in horrific video

Indonesias dog meat trade exposed in horrific video

Shocking nationwide investigations by animal campaigners from the newly-launched Dog Meat-Free Indonesia coalition have exposed the horrifying brutality and suffering endured by up to a million dogs every year for Indonesia and amp;#39;s dog meat trade. The video shows stolen family pets and stray dogs being roughly snatched from the streets and crammed onto the back of trucks with their legs and mouths bound with string, before they are taken off to slaughterhouses and restaurants. Nov 2, 2017