
Articles by admin

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Joe Biden honors veterans, the 'spine of the nation'

US Vice President Joe Biden paid tribute to America's war veterans on Tuesday, calling the military men and women "not only the heart and soul", but the "very spine of the nation." Duration: 00:52  Nov 12, 2014

Final poppy planted at Tower of London WWI memorial

The last ceramic poppy of 888,246 -- one for every British soldier who died in World War One -- was planted at the Tower of London on Tuesday as part of a unique installation commemorating 100 years since the start of The Great War. Duration: 01:39 Nov 12, 2014

President of Senegal in Burkina Faso to help transition

The President of Senegal arrived Tuesday in Ouagadougou to help end the crisis in Burkina Faso, where the army must quickly return power to civilians after the fall of the head of state Blaise Compaoré. Duration: 00:43 Nov 12, 2014

A "French touch" for Virginia vineyards

A growing number of French winemakers are setting up shop in the hills of Virginia, where former president and Francophile Thomas Jefferson struggled to produce grapes two centuries ago. Duration: 02:13 Nov 11, 2014

Hollande presides over WWI commemorations in Paris

French President Francois Hollande presided over the traditional celebrations of Armistice Day on the Champs-Elysees on Tuesday, and laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, beneath the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. Duration: 00:40 Nov 11, 2014

Ebola boosts downloads of British game 'Plague Inc'

The Ebola epidemic has led to a boom in downloads for the online game "Plague Inc", prompting its British developer to launch a charity initiative and offer it as a teaching tool. Duration: 01:35 Nov 11, 2014

Last US Ebola patient cured, released from hospital

The last known Ebola patient in the United States, a New York doctor who contracted the virus while treating infected people in Guinea, was released from the hospital on Tuesday after being declared cured. Duration: 01:09 Nov 11, 2014