
Articles by admin

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Lubaina Himid makes history with Turner award win

Lubaina Himid makes history with Turner award win

Lubaina Himid is the oldest artist to win the the prestigious Turner prize in the first year the competition was open to over 50s. She is also the first woman of color to pick up the art award with her creation that tackled both colonialism and racism. Dec 6, 2017
Lubaina Himid makes history with Turner award win

Lubaina Himid makes history with Turner award win

Lubaina Himid is the oldest artist to win the the prestigious Turner prize in the first year the competition was open to over 50s. She is also the first woman of color to pick up the art award with her creation that tackled both colonialism and racism. Dec 6, 2017
Men charged with terrorism offences arrive at Westminster Magistrates Court

Men charged with terrorism offences arrive at Westminster Magistrates Court

An Islamist extremist planned to blow up the gates of Downing Street and use pepper spray and a knife to try to kill the prime minister Theresa May, police say. Naaimur Zakariyah Rahman, 20, allegedly had an explosive device in his bag and planned a bomb assault on the prime ministers residence. Dec 6, 2017
Astronaut captures aurora timelapse from space

Astronaut captures aurora timelapse from space

Italian astronaut Paolo Nespoli shared a timelapse showing an aurora from the International Space Station on December 5.Nespoli is working aboard the station as part of the Italian Space Agencys long-duration VITA mission. He has compiled a variety of other videos during his stay in space, including a view of the Persian Gulf and a glimpse of a fireball falling to Earth. Dec 6, 2017
You can now get a Donald Trump hair tattoo

You can now get a Donald Trump hair tattoo

A hair salon in Taiwan has created a Donald Trump hair tattoo for a client who is evidently a huge fan of the US president. Footage showing the process behind the bizarre but intricate cut, which began to gain online attention on December 6, was first posted on September 25 to the salons Facebook account. Dec 6, 2017
French rock star Johnny Hallyday dies at 74

French rock star Johnny Hallyday dies at 74

Johnny Hallyday aka the French Elvis has died after battling lung cancer for several months. He passed away at his home in Marnes-la-Coquette, situated in west of Paris, following medical treatment at a hospital. He was 74 years old. Johnny Hallyday has left us. I write these words without believing them. But yet, its true. My man is no longer with us, his wife Laeticia Hallyday said in a statement to Agence France Presse on Wednesday (Dec. 6). He left us tonight as he lived his whole life, with courage and dignity. Dec 6, 2017
Human pilot beats AI drone in race

Human pilot beats AI drone in race

NASA decided to pit an AI-piloted drone against professional drone racer Ken Loo. The autonomous drone was equipped with cameras to map outIts surrounding. Dec 6, 2017