
Articles by admin

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Drone sales could take off this christmas in the US

Small flying machines are all the rage amongst technology enthusiasts, many of which gathered at the Los Angeles drone expo this past weekend to not only to look at new models but also to size up potential gifts for their loved ones. Dec 20, 2014

S. Leone limits Chistmas activities to stem Ebola spread

Sierra Leone has launched sweeping efforts to stem the spread of Ebola in the west of the country. While church services will be allowed to go ahead over the festive period, public gatherings and entertainment have been banned. Dec 20, 2014

Turkey court releases anti-Erdogan editor, arrests TV chief

A Turkish court on Friday ordered the release of an anti-government newspaper editor but the head of a national television network remains in custody in a controversial case that has strained relations with the European Union. Dec 20, 2014

Fuelled by coffee, Londoners hit morning disco before work

Morning Gloryville is the British capitals latest clubbing craze - but rather than dancing the night away, the music starts in the morning. Taking place once a month, its aimed at those who want to party at the start of their day. Dec 20, 2014

A tough Christmas in Russia as currency slumps

The ruble has over 50 percent of its value since the beginning of the year because of EU and US sanctions on Russia over its actions in Ukraine, combined with falling oil prices. Dec 20, 2014

1 House owner prepares to move in for Christmas

Liverpool's Homes for a Pound scheme is designed to get first-time buyers onto the property ladder and breathe new life into rundown areas. Just a few weeks before Christmas the first member is preparing to move into his new home. Dec 19, 2014

Govt tables GST Bill in Lok Sabha, Jaitley says bill may increase taxation

New Delhi, Dec 19 (ANI): The Central government on Friday tabled the Goods and Services Tax (GST) Bill in Lok Sabha. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said that the government aims to bring the tax into effect from April 1, 2016. Government will compensate its state governments for revenue losses due to the new nationwide Goods and Service Tax. He added GST will also add to country's gross domestic product (GDP). The bill introduced by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley needs the support of two thirds of members of parliament as well as ratification by state legislatures which is expected to happen by the next session of parliament. Dec 19, 2014