Health News
Scientists may have found a way to inject information directly into the brain
Man uses menstrual cup to scoop out rice for dinner: Here's what followed!
Heard of sexsomnia? Here's how a man raped his ex 'in his sleep' without knowing
Fat doesn't make you fat: Study shows high-fat diet can prevent weight gain
Dent in man's head from severe sunburn: People who thought they were stronger than Sun!
Here are some tips to combat sore throat this flu season
Food allergies rise 377% in 10 years: Western diet, junk food and peanuts to blame
Here's how you can heal love bites faster
It's in their genes: People living in cold regions more likely to get cancer
Angelina Jolie 'lookalike' admits 50 surgeries claim was fake; says she did it to amuse herself
Is sex the new cure to better sleep? Here's what recent studies say!
Should new mums eat placenta like Kim Kardashian? Study reveals the truth
Beware! Drop in blood pressure can be an indication of early death in elderly adults
Meet 'Ripped Grandpa', the 50-year-old with a better body and style than yours!